Date: 17 October 2005
It reflects heat from the sun during the summer and keeps warmth inside the building during the winter - an effect produced by applying a very thin, invisible, long-lasting metallic coating to the glass.
Permanent solar protection
Designed by Mecanoo Architecten in Delft and towering at a height of 152 m, Montevideo is the tallest residential building in the Netherlands. Due to be completed at the end of the year, this complex of apartments will benefit from permanent solar protection provided by Stopray Safir 61/32 glass which allows 61% of light to enter rooms whilst rejecting 68% of heat.
Glass plays an important role in this project because in the upper floors, it is the only thing that separates the apartments from the outside world and on the lower floors, windows reach unbelievable sizes of almost 15 m². Each of the different Stopray Safir assembly combinations used complies with strict requirements in terms of safety, fire resistance, sound insulation and thermal insulation.
Improved sound insulation
Designed by Van Aken Architectuur of Eindhoven in 2004, the 142 m tall Westpoint apartment block will now be pushed into second place behind the Montevideo complex. The Westpoint block has been fitted out with Stopray Cristal 61/40, a high-performance insulation and solar control glass that guarantees optimal comfort inside the apartments. With windows stretching from the floor to the ceiling in almost every room, strict anti-fall safety requirements also had to be met.
Due to Westpoint's location close to a busy crossroads and railway line, Stratophone laminated glass - with high-performance sound insulation coatings - was also used to improve sound insulation in apartments on the lower floors.
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