Keep Your Home Warm This Winter With Pilkington K Glass™ S

Keep Your Home Warm This Winter With Pilkington K Glass™ S
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Date: 19 September 2017

As the nights get longer and colder, keeping your home warm - especially in the evenings - can be difficult. Making use of the Pilkington K Glass™ range in your home can help to keep your rooms cosy all year round.

There are various choices in this range to suit different homes, including Pilkington K Glass™ S, our latest version, designed to keep as much warmth in rooms as possible.

Pilkington K Glass™ S is a high performance, low-emissivity, soft-coated product which offers excellent thermal insulation and prevents heat from escaping by reflecting it back into rooms. When combined in a Pilkington energiKare™ IGU, you can also benefit from the “free heat” from the sun known as the ‘solar gain’ process. 

By helping to keep your home warmer, Pilkington K Glass™ can help you to reduce your energy bills, making your home greener and helping to keep it more energy-efficient.

Aside from keeping you warmer in the winter, Pilkington K Glass™ S could also allow you to extend glazed areas in your home - such as conservatories and glass box extensions - without making your house susceptible to being colder. Glass from the Pilkington K Glass™ range also prevents unsightly condensation from forming on the inside of your windows.

For those looking for a greener way to keep their home warm all year round, a glass from the Pilkington K Glass™ range could be the ideal way to retain heat while maintaining beautiful windows.

If you’d like to know more about Pilkington Glass, click here.

600450 Keep Your Home Warm This Winter With Pilkington K Glass™ S

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