Date: 9 July 2018
From here you'll be able to determine optimal glazing configurations to meet specific acoustic performance targets.
Eastman announced the availability of the new Saflex® SoundPro acoustic glazing calculator now available at www.saflex.com/soundpro. The calculator is free to architects and engineers and gives them the ability to compare a variety of glazing components and technologies to determine optimal glazing configurations to meet specific acoustic performance targets.
Using large, dramatic panels of glass is one of today’s most popular design trends. However, the benefits of daylighting and improved views provided by large glass expanses also increase the transmission of sound, especially in dense urban environments. The challenge for the design community is to understand the breadth of materials, design techniques, acoustic glazing systems, and other variables to meet project requirements.
“It’s a hard to know what acoustic glazing solution best meets the needs for a project—especially since each project is different,” said Kevin Moens, commercial director, architecture. “That’s why we developed SoundPro. It’s an easy-to-use program that quickly identifies potential acoustic solutions for your project.”
SoundPro offers two modes to generate calculations. The Product Selector mode requires users to input acoustic performance targets using global standards of Sound Transmission Class (STC), Outside Inside Transmission Class (OITC), and Reduction Index (Rw). SoundPro then identifies the acoustic glazing solutions that meet these specifications.
The second mode is the Glazing Configurator, which provides estimates for custom designed glazing systems. Users have a range of variables to consider, including the type of acoustic interlayer, glass thickness, air space, types of insulated glass, and design strategies. Once a calculation is complete, users have the option to refine these selections, and then receive a detailed report including acoustic ratings, test details, a sound transmission loss chart, glazing configuration details, and more.
“A key benefit of SoundPro is the ability to get the Sound Transmission Loss data immediately upon selection of a tested unit,” adds Moens. “Our acoustic support team is also ready to provide estimates for customized configuration requests.”
Media Contact:
Janet Ryan, +1 314-822-8860 | +1 314-614-7408 | janet@ryan-pr.com

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