Date: 21 September 2011
The company today announced it has completed rigorous testing that demonstrates a significant advantage over other edge seal products in protecting the polycarbonate component in autoclave-laminated security glazing composites. (PVB edge seal products are typically not used in these applications because polyvinyl butyral is incompatible with polycarbonate).
Bullet- and blast-resistant composites are normally constructed of layers of glass and polycarbonate that are bonded together with an aliphatic polyurethane optical interlayer film. Argotec utilized the ISO 22088-3 bent-strip method to test ArgoEdgeSealPLUS and its predecessor, BOC-9450 Edge Seal™, exposing both to MEK (methyl ethyl ketone), a solvent found in many window caulks and sealants. (BOC-9450 Edge Seal, a highly successful, dual-layer TPU product, was developed by Argotec in 1995 and is now the standard edge seal design utilized by 90 percent of all glass laminators using polyurethane interlayers).
As shown in the accompanying photo, a two-week immersion in a 100% MEK solution caused the polycarbonate test sample encased in BOC-9450 Edge Seal to buckle, crack and fog to an opaque white (left photo). The sample wrapped in protected by ArgoEdgeSealPLUS remained flat, transparent and clear (right photo).
The sample shown on the right was encased in ArgoEdgeSealPLUS and fully protected from solvent penetration and degradation. The failure mechanism exhibited in the sample shown on the left was that the MEK solvent solution permeated the two layers of TPU in the BOC-9450-wrapped the polycarbonate. A modified ASTM E-96 permeation test comparing the two edge seal materials confirmed the visual results, as shown in the table below (an ASTM F-1249 moisture permeation test is provided for comparison with the MEK solvent test):
The Conclusion:
The impermeable foil layer sandwiched between two layers of TPU in ArgoEdgeSealPLUS provides superior chemical resistance and protection for laminated security glass composites containing a polycarbonate layer when compared with standard TPU-TPU edge seal constructions.
ArgoEdgeSealPLUS can be used to protect any laminated glass composite produced by an autoclave process: glass-to-glass; glass-to-polycarbonate; glass-to-acrylic; and glass-to-other optical substrates. Whether for security glazing or architectural applications, it provides not only a highly impermeable chemical barrier but also serves as a 50-mil “bumper” that reduces the potential for mechanical damage during handling and installation. The diamond pattern imparted by the clear carrier to the outer layer of the edge seal also creates an aesthetically pleasing appearance on the composite edge.
Argotec is a privately held, global supplier of custom-engineered, high-performance, polyurethane film and sheet for a wide variety of critical applications, including optical interlayer films for security and architectural laminated glass. Further information about the company and its products may be obtained by calling (413)772-2564, faxing (413)772-2565, e-mailing, or visiting the Argotec website: Or visit the company’s ArgoEdgeSealPLUS pages in McGraw-Hill Construction’s Sweets Network®.

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