Date: 8 October 2001
When processing these new products with traditional tempering machines, glass processors usually face a loss of capacity and a significant amount of rejects.
Tamglass, the technology and market leader in safety glass machinery, is now launching a new unique concept in convection heating which includes new features developed to answer the challenges of tempering coated glass.
ProConvection provides 40% more capacity and an outstanding reliability in the tempering of all types of glass. The new furnace is capable of handling hard-coated Low-E, soft-coated super Low-E and clear glass for window sizes up to big size architectural glass products.
Speeding up production significantly
The new tempering furnace is based on professional convection technology, which takes advantage of Tamglass long experience of heat control in advanced tempering processes. To boost the production the company has developed an innovative solution for precisely controlled convection heating. In this heating system, blowing is directed from both sides of the glass surface in order to guarantee an even heating.
30 years of experience and a field testing program for various convection heating methods resulted in a totally new convection heating method. The feeling now is the same as when we launched the first horizontal tempering furnace, which earned us the leading position in the tempering market and tempering technologyù, says Mauri Leponen, director, Architectural Glass Industry, Tamglass Ltd. Oy.
Functional reliability guaranteed by the ideal heating environment
ProConvection enables an even and fast heating through an innovative high-speed convection system with accurate control of temperature and blowing profile. To maximize the reliability of the furnace, Tamglass Ltd. Oy has located the convection sources and all the moving parts outside the tempering furnace.
Another innovation is also the filtering of the air supply to the furnace. The ClearAirCon filtering system guarantees that the air used in the blowing process is 99.9 % clean, which is the most ideal heating environment for glass. This eliminates any dirt particles which cause quality problems in the form of dust and hot spots on the product. The clean air passes through a heat recovery process called HeatEx, which recycles the energy back to process.
Tamglass, which is part of the Kyro Group, a listed company on the Helsinki Exchanges, designs and manufactures safety glass lines and machines for the architectural, automotive, furniture and domestic appliance glass industries. Safety glass is tempered or laminated glass. Tamglass has a total of 16 operating units in a number of European and Asia countries and in the Americas. The company has delivered close on 1,400 production lines to over 70 countries. The Tamglass Group Tamglass Safety Glass Ltd., produces demanding, high value-added safety glass products using the latest Tamglass technology.

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