Date: 23 March 2018
2005, Todor Stoyadinov and Svetslav Peichev founded Uyut Stil, which is Bulgarian for ‘Comfort and Style’. The modest company is located in the capital Sofia and produces IG units at a very high pace. Uyut Stil in a nutshell: Two production sites, 100 employees, a turnover of four Million Euros and LiSEC machinery and software.
Until 2017 Uyut Stil mainly produced PVC windows, roller shutters and fly screens. They used to buy the required IG units from four different suppliers. Stoyadinov: ”In the main season, delivery times became a really big problem and at the same time the delivered quality became worse. That was the point in time where we said: we will produce IG units ourselves”.

Originally the two owners intended to buy a used IG line from LiSEC – but at that time, no such one was available. “So we had a look at the FitLine at the show in Turkey and we were convinced: this is our best bet”. The FitLine is their only new piece of equipment from LiSEC - all other machines, an ESL-RS cutting line, a bending machine and a butyl extruder carry the LiSEC brand but are pre-owned.
The main reason why Uyut Stil opted for LiSEC machinery is the fact that LiSEC offers solutions for every production step in glass processing. “We are convinced that it is better to follow a single source strategy – this ensures that all machines have the same quality level and that the interfaces work smoothly. We did have a look at machinery from other manufacturers as well, of course, but they do not offer the same quality level, if you ask me”, Stoyadinov explains.

If the current positive trend of business continues, Uyut Stil will invest in another IG line – also here they will cooperate with LiSEC. A piece of land has already been bought for this purpose. “The demand for high quality glass is increasing at rapid speed – especially for coated glasses. We also see a strong trend in laminating glasses and we consider investing in this area too. What we definitely will and have to invest in is automation, since it is very difficult for us to find and hire qualified staff”, Stoyadinov indicates. He is concerned that this fact could eventually hamper growth.

Pre-owned LiSEC machinery: GLASTRONiC
More than one year ago, LiSEC bought the company GLASTRONiC out of the Jüllich Group to handle the acquisition, refurbishment and the resale of LiSEC pre-owned machines.
Driving the used machinery business is an essential part of the LiSEC growth strategy. In addition to the used machinery business, GLASTRONiC also produces glass transport and delivery racks, and employs 25 people. For more information visit www.glastronic.lisec.com.

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