Date: 21 December 2018
Since this year, sedak produces glass up to 3.51m x 20m and thereby further extends its competence advantage as the market leader for glass building in maximum formats. Moreover, we can look back at many more peaks of this year:
sedak projects:
For the new building of the learning institution “Cambridge Assessment”, sedak produced 51 ceramic printed glass panels whose motive is a statement of the transnational and intercultural character of the educational institution.
Furthermore, sedak produced 28 glass fins that support the 65m² big all-glass façade of the new building that belongs to the oldest existing faculty, the faculty of medicine of the Montpellier university.
Another exciting project of this year was the construction of a new entry for Torre Europa in Madrid. The cube-shaped all-glass lobby should highlight the progressiveness of the office tower that has recently been transformed into a smart building.
sedak communication:
Since June of this year, sedak has its own Instagram channel. On @sedak_karriere, you can follow our apprentices through their working days and learn about exciting background information about the profession of a flat glass technologist.
Since this year, can also find exclusive information about spectacular sedak projects in our sedak newsletter. Three times a year, we offer unique insights into our production and show, what glass is capable of. You can subscribe to our newsletter here.
Our vacation close-down will be from 22rd December 2018 until 6th January 2019. We are looking forward to being here for you again on 7th January 2019 and wish you happy holidays and a great start to the new year.

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