Date: 29 April 2010
Its unique design and technical features make it one of the world’s most resistant and stable warm edge profiles.The strength of stainless steel makes Chromatech Plus an extremely stable profile with a long lifespan.These features make for an extremely stable frame which is a must-have in large-size, important IG glass. The thermal expansion coefficient (elongation) of a stainless steel profile is in fact extremely low and very similar to that of glass. As a result of these very properties, the sealants are subjected to less strain in insulating glass that uses Chromatech Plus when the outside temperature changes. The result is a more stable system which in turn means that any risk is eliminated.
There are other interesting properties that stainless steel lends to this innovative profile. As a result of this precious material, Chromatech Plus significantly improves gas retention in IG units, thus maintaining the same levels of thermal performance over a long period of time. The design introduced by Rolltech for this profile is also unique. Chromatech Plus has a very special shape that allows the thickness of the metal to be slimmed up to 0.15 mm: the thickness of the steel is thus reduced and can guarantee an extremely low level of heat conduction, optimizing its performance versus that of profiles made of the same material but with conventional shapes. Chromatech Plus is a perfect warm edge profile. Enhanced thermal insulation at the edges of the glass ensures living comfort and less condensation.
Chromatech Plus offers a myriad of production benefits: profiles obtained from stainless steel can be bent; the stability of the profile allows for easier processing especially when large frames are involved; the special stainless steel offers excellent adhesion with all sealants.
Glass Alliance
Glass Alliance is an organization that produces and distributes worldwide everything necessary for the industrial production of insulating glass units. It is comprised of Fenzi, Alu Pro and Rolltech, three leading companies representing the state-of-the-art for quality and reliability in their respective sectors: polysulphur, butyl, hot melt and polyurethane sealants; aluminum spacer bars; steel, stainless steel and steel/polycarbonate spacer bars.
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Press Office: Francesca Solera Il Filo Rosso Solera & associati Via Panfilo Castaldi, 33 20124 Milano - Italy Ph. +39 02 29523341
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