Date: 9 May 2011
S. Industry Statistical Review and Forecast. This report delivers accurate and timely information on window, door, skylight and curtainwall market trends, dynamics and product relationships for both residential and commercial construction. Historic data for 2005 through 2010 and forecast data for 2011 through 2014 are also included in the report. Forecasts are based on projections of construction activity as of March 2011.
According to the study's data, the demand for residential windows rebounded in 2010 after four years of decline, particularly in the new construction market. The Statistical Review and Forecast reports that the demand for windows in the new housing market increased modestly in 2010, while the remodeling and replacement market segment showed a more substantial gain in demand for windows. This was, in part, driven by the federal tax credit for energy-efficient replacement windows worth 30 percent of the cost of the windows up to $1,500. A lower tax credit is in place for 2011.
Residential skylights experienced similar growth, likewise driven by the activity in the remodeling and replacement market. The new construction segment of the residential skylight market, however, declined from 2009 to 2010.
The positive movement in both new construction starts and the replacement and remodeling sector in 2010 impacted the residential door market, which showed increases in demands from 2009 to 2010. However, demand for non-residential doors continued to decline in 2010, reflecting the slow-down in non-residential construction activity. Further declines in the non-residential door market are predicted for 2011.
Additional and more detailed information on the residential and commercial fenestration markets is contained in the 2009/2010 Study of the U.S. Market for Windows, Doors and Skylights (released in May 2010). AAMA/WDMA U.S. Market Studies includes all of the items listed below.
* AAMA/WDMA U.S. Industry Statistical Review and Forecast summarizes residential, non-residential and remodeling trends from government and industry sources.
* AAMA/WDMA U.S. Industry Channel Distribution Report profiles the residential and non-residential market for windows and doors as it flows through the identified distribution channels.
* AAMA/WDMA U.S. Industry Market Size Report quantifies residential and non-residential market volumes, both historic and projected.
* AAMA/WDMA U.S. Market Installation Practices and Procedures Report compiles the results of a special research effort to evaluate installation products and procedures.
* AAMA/WDMA U.S. Industry Regional Statistical Review and Forecast details information for 11 individual regions.
The 2010/2011 AAMA/WDMA U.S. Industry Statistical Review and Forecast, as well as the other reports listed above, are available for purchase from both AAMA and WDMA at and

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