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Solarban® Glass Enhances Aesthetics, Efficiency & Acoustics at Nashville Airport Hilton
Solarban® 90 Glass Atrium and Windows Daylight Children's of Mississippi Hospital
SANCO Glass Solutions in Hoffmann Glas Peine's Living Walls at Neckarpark Q8
Large Solarban® 60 Acuity® Glass Vertical Windows Deliver Daylighting and Transparency at Penn State University’s New Innovation Hub
Window Safety Week Observed April 7-13, 2024
DOE Launches $2 Million Prize for Energy-Efficient Commercial Secondary Glazing Systems
NREL Windows Research Clearly Making a Difference
FGIA Releases Updated Specification for Windows Possibly Subject to Human Impact
Meandering window strips ensuring heat protection | Glas Trösch
Saint-Gobain Glass Working With McLaren Construction To Deliver Industry First
LEED Gold Status Achieved with Advanced Insulating Glass from Okalux
3 reasons to work with a European joinery manufacturer
New installation guideline for windows and curtain walls
49th Rosenheim Window and Facade conference
Window Films Combat Home Heating Loss and Damage From The Low Winter Sun
Guardian Glass introduces Guardian Sun®
Register now and join the discussion: Online information series TechnologieForumZukunft "Surface Quality"
Guardian Glass introduces ClimaGuard® Neutral 1.0
NFRC Launches New, Improved Consumer-Focused Website –
Rosenheim Window and Façade Conference | Climate change challenge
RAL video "Quality mark PVC window profile systems" online
FGIA Releases New Technical Information Report Establishing Criteria for Window Gauge Device Locations
Interactive InstallationMasters® Demonstration puts theory into practice at FGIA Hybrid Fall Conference
Eyrise scoops five international architecture and design awards
First back GlassBuild America 2021 influencers
EigthyFen glazed by Tvitec: Eye-catching windows in London
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Simplified Thermal Performance Evaluation of a PCM-Filled Triple-Glazed Window under Arctic Climate Conditions
The Effects of Exterior Glazing on Human Thermal Comfort in Office Buildings
Historic glazing in existing buildings using the example of Dresden Trachau
Vulnerability and Protection of Glass Windows and Facades under Blast: Experiments, Methods and Current Trends
Study on the Influence of Window Glass Size on Blast-Resistant Performance
Photovoltaic windows cut energy use and CO2 emissions by 40% in highly glazed buildings
Investigating Energy Savings with Thermal Bridges and Window Frame Elements
Design methods of blast resistant façades, windows, and doors in Germany: a review
The Effect of Smart Colored Windows on Visual Performance of Buildings
Experimental Evaluation of Thermal and Lighting Performance Using Double Dynamic Insulated Glazing
Impact of solar radiation and environmental temperature on Art Nouveau glass windows
Overview of dynamic test methods for examining the glass window resistance
Energy and Daylighting Evaluation of Integrated STPV Windows with Internal Light Shelves in Open-Office Buildings
Numerical Analysis of TGU Windows Under Blast – GLASS-SHARD Outlook
High-Transparency Clear Glass Windows with Large PV Energy Outputs
Considerations for the Integration of Glass in Superyacht Structures
Stainless Steel Spacers Outperform Foam in Residential Windows
AGI Case Study: 500 Walnut
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Windows, Facades & Skylights
Guardian LamiGlass®
Guardian Glass Europe