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Energy Saving
SunGuard™ Low-E Coated Glass Helps Elevate Performance, People and Possibilities for 30 Years and Counting
Sustainability and efficiency at the centre of debate early December
Sealed Units vs. Single Pane Glass: A Practical Comparison
Glass for Europe contributes to the consultation on the secondary legislation of the Net-Zero Industry Act
HORN Hybrid Oxyfuel Furnace (Hybrid OXY)
Energy Savings in Buildings: Environmental and Economic Impact of Insulating Gas in IGUs
GSA and DOE Select Vitro Architectural Glass as an Emerging Technology to Accelerate the Path to Net-Zero Federal Buildings
D-Glas Enhances Quality and Growth with New Pujol 100 Investment
Glass for Europe attends the ECEEE summer study 2024
DOE Announces National Definition of a Zero Emissions Building
VETECO will capitalise on business opportunities in a key sector for promoting energy efficiency
Lutley Windows Revolutionizes Energy Efficiency with Thermoseal
Investments in Egypt on a roll | Saint-Gobain
Manifesto 2024-2029: Glass for Europe presents its policy recommendations
Saint-Gobain Glass Launches Its New COOL-LITE® SKN 175
The European Parliament approves the agreement reached last December on the EPBD
DOE Launches $2 Million Prize for Energy-Efficient Commercial Secondary Glazing Systems
Energy Efficient Insulated Windows with ENERGY STAR® 7.0 requirements
2040 climate target: joint statement by the Alliance of Energy-Intensive Industries
Windows Replacement and Insulating Gas in Glass for Europe’s Agenda
Sparklike: Why Companies in Glass Industry Measure Gas Concentration
Tianjin NorthGlass won the title of "National Green Factory"
Political agreement reached on the revision of the EPBD
Joana Arreguy participated in the Clean Transition Dialogue on Energy-Intensive Industries
The European Parliament adopts its position on the Net-Zero Industry Act | Glass for Europe
Sparklike: Are Triple Glazed IGU’s Necessary to Obtain Energy Efficient Windows?
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Glastory: Tempering energy-consumption claims
Whole Life-Cycle Carbon Assessment of Building Retrofits with Water-Filled Glass (WFG) Secondary Glazing
Dynamic Glass – What is needed?
Roll-to-roll deposition of thermochromic coatings on flexible glass
Industrialization and Thermal Performance of a New Unitized Water Flow Glazing Facade
How To Improve Energy Efficiency in Safety Glass Manufacturing: An Expert's Guide
Solving windscreen and sunroof production issues with convection preheating - Glastory
Highly transparent silanized cellulose aerogels for boosting energy efficiency of glazing in buildings
Photovoltaic windows cut energy use and CO2 emissions by 40% in highly glazed buildings
Get the light & keep the warmth - A highly insulating, translucent aerogel glass brick for building envelopes
Technological Energy Efficiency Improvements in Glass-Production Industries and their Future Perspectives in Italy
Construction Aspects of Hybrid Water-Filled Building Envelopes
Mapping the flat glass value-chain: a material flow analysis and energy balance of UK production
Latest on Glastory: How to reduce energy consumption in glass lamination
3 ways to reduce energy consumption in glass tempering
Energy and Daylighting Evaluation of Integrated STPV Windows with Internal Light Shelves in Open-Office Buildings
MICA (Monitoring Internal Comfort Application)
Glass tempering energy consumption: If the numbers look too good, they probably are
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EASYPRO® temporary surface protection