Date: 13 June 2012
The two OOO Fenzi and OOO Alu-Pro companies are part of this industrial hub and manufacture and distribute Thiover polysulfide sealants and Alu-Pro aluminum spacers that are widely recognized and sought-after by IG glass manufacturers worldwide.
The high technological content, premium quality and extraordinary performance of these products make it possible to produce top-quality insulating glass which is vital in a country such as Russia with its harsh weather condition that makes it imperative to ensure excellent performance in terms of thermal insulation and energy efficiency.
However, it is not only local production that has proved to be of great interest to industry professionals as also the other products marketed by the network are very much in demand. More particularly, the Russian market has shown a keen interest in Chromatech Ultra, the innovative warm edge spacer made of stainless steal and special plastics developed by Rolltech and that will certainly be a true show-stopper at the 2012 Mir Stekla show. At this leading event for the world of glass, the Fenzi group, through its two companies OOO Fenzi and OOO Alu-Pro, will offer visitors the opportunity to gain a close-up view of the latest products engineered by the Glass Alliance network and to find out about the benefits that local production can ensure, such as ready availability of products, prompt delivery and attentive and ongoing customer service.

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