Date: 14 November 2012
This class of high-performance glazing products offers significant energy efficiency, aesthetic, and user comfort and wellbeing benefits as compared to conventional “static” glazing. As benefits this industry, building and automotive design trends are showing a greater use of glass. Concurrently, changes in building codes and increased adoption of green building standards point to design challenges in managing heat gain and glare from increased glazing area ratios. Smart glass addresses these various market drivers.
Starting from a low base, smart glass for use in architectural and transportation facades, windows, and privacy screens is forecast to become a nearly $700 million sector of the flat glass market by 2020. The market will be dominated by architectural applications, mirroring overall market figures for flat glass globally, which are heavily skewed toward the buildings sector. Significant new production capacity entering the market in the near term will help drive down production costs and reduce the substantial price premium between static and dynamic glass, contributing to increased market share.
This Pike Research report provides an overview of the various smart glass technologies that are gaining traction in the marketplace and describes the applications best suited to smart glass in the buildings, automotive, aerospace, and marine sectors. Market drivers and barriers, and costs and benefits, of smart glass illustrate the challenges and growth prospects for this technology. Market forecasts are provided through 2020 for global demand and market value, segmented by the architectural and transportation sectors, along with a review of key industry players...
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