Date: 28 October 2016
With the weather beginning to turn colder you might have noticed condensation forming on your windows in the morning. Condensation can from on both the outside of the window as well as the more common interior condensation.
SGG VIEWCLEAR glass is designed to reduce the amount of exterior condensation that forms on your windows and doors.
Preventing a build-up of exterior condensation means that your glass will remain clearer and in better condition for longer.
The other type of condensation common at this time of year is internal condensation, which when left unchecked could be cause for concern in the home.
Left unattended condensation can lead to problems associated with excess moisture in the home, primarily mould and damp.
As well as structural issues, mould and damp can lead to health issues, particularly for the young and the elderly.
Poorly ventilated and badly heated homes are more susceptible to excessive interior condensation. Ultimately condensation is caused by excessive moisture in the air in your home.
You can reduce the amount of moisture in your home by using extractor fans, keeping lids on pans when cooking and using dehumidifiers.
By doing all this you’ll help to reduce the amount of moisture in your home and you should notice a reduction of condensation.
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