President opens high-tech enterprise for the production of glass products

President opens high-tech enterprise for the production of glass products
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Date: 20 February 2018

President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov took part in the ceremony of commissioning the high-tech glass plant in the industrial zone of Ovadendape of the Geoktepe Etrap of the Akhal Velayat.

The state-of-the-art enterprise "Türkmen aýna önümleri", which has no analogues in the region, was based on the advanced technology of glass production by the "float" method, first used in Turkmenistan, the State News Agency reported.

The industrial complex includes technological lines for the entire process chain, including a quartz sand preparation shop, a smelting department, a float bath line for the production of thermopolarized sheet glass of various sizes and thicknesses, a tempering and annealing department, glass processing plants and production of finished products.

The project, launched in 2015, was commissioned by the Ministry of Industry of Turkmenistan by the Turkish contractor - Tepe Türkmen Inşaat ve Ticaret Anonim Şirketi. The new building is located on a vast area of ​​24 hectares and includes, in addition to the production building, an office building, dwelling houses and dormitories, a children's and sports grounds, as well as facilities for engineering and technical infrastructure, etc.

The open areas of the complex - in the festive decoration, stands and banners give a clear idea of ​​the scale and arrangement of the new plant.

The chairman of the Mejlis, members of the government, heads of military and law enforcement agencies, ministries and sectoral departments, public organizations, representatives of the diplomatic corps accredited in Turkmenistan, khyakim of the Akhal velayat, foreign businessmen, the media take part in the opening ceremony.

Arriving at the main gate of the enterprise, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov is heading for a specially assigned place on the site in front of the production building, where the builders and specialists of the enterprise, numerous guests gathered.

On the way, the head of state greeted and spoke with representatives of foreign companies, in partnership with which a large-scale project for the construction of a glass plant was implemented.

Among the guests was also a representative of the academic circles of Turkey who, in an interview with the Turkmen leader, Honorary Doctor of the University of Fatih - a major international higher education institution in Istanbul and the University of Economics and Technology at the Union of Chambers and Exchanges of the Republic of Turkey, expressed interest in a scientific exchange between our countries, their research and educational centers, as well as in the implementation of joint projects, including in the field of developing innovative technologies and creating them on their own aze of industrial productions.

The President of Turkmenistan emphasized that today in our country exclusive attention is paid to the formation of an innovative economy, the transfer of the industrial complex to high-tech production, the development of science and international cooperation in these areas.

As the head of state noted, Turkmenistan and Turkey are linked by centuries-old friendly, fraternal relations, which serves as a basis for further strengthening the multifaceted interstate cooperation in the present historical era. In this context, the President stressed the effectiveness of the Turkmen-Turkish partnership in the field of education and in many industrial sectors.

We always gratefully accept any proposals and initiatives of our foreign partners aimed at developing the humanitarian dialogue and economic contacts that contribute to the prosperity of the people and the realization of the colossal potential of our country, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said.

Addressing the ceremony participants, the head of state congratulated everyone on the significant event - the solemn commissioning of one of the largest production facilities in Central Asia - the Türkmen aýna önümleri.

Before heading here, the head of state continued, we in the capital solemnly opened and put into operation the complex of administrative and commercial buildings built by entrepreneurs. There are 96 buildings - shops and offices of entrepreneurs. Various types of consumer goods will be realized here.

The new complex will be a great gift for the residents of Ashgabat. And this is another evidence of the effectiveness of state policy aimed at the development of entrepreneurship, the President stressed.

Once again congratulating those present on these remarkable events, the head of state noted that we have set ourselves a great goal - to turn our independent country into an industrially developed state. In this regard, a large-scale work was carried out to increase the production of import-substituting products and export goods, creating new jobs.

It was emphasized that Turkmenistan possesses the richest reserves of natural resources, their rational, careful use in the interests of the people is the main task of industry. The country is systematically building modern enterprises equipped with the latest technological equipment from the world's leading companies, production of various types of products of wide demand is being established. This has resulted in an abundance of consumer goods in our markets, additional jobs appear.

Recently, the industrial sector has been dynamically developing and is entering a qualitatively new level, which is one of the priority areas of the national economy, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said. Over the years of independence, large enterprises have been commissioned in Turkmenistan, many other enterprises are being built at a rapid pace.

Today, in order to meet the needs of the population and the national economy of the country, a number of large investment projects are being implemented in industrial goods. One of them is the newly opened enterprise "Türkmen aýna önümleri", the head of state stressed.

The erection of this capital-intensive production in the village of Ovadandepe of the Geokdepe etrap is due to the urgent tasks of the planned development of the industrial sector, the provision of large-scale construction in the country with high-quality glass and glass products. The project was implemented by the Turkish company Tepe Türkmen.

The new plant has installed technological equipment from Germany, Belgium, Italy, Austria and Finland. Appropriate specialists have been trained.

It is planned to produce annually one million square meters of tinted, 100 thousand square meters of laminated, 300 thousand square meters of tempered glass, as well as 400 thousand square meters of double-glazed windows. All products will meet high international standards.

At present, 15 types of containers of various capacities for economic and medical purposes have been set up. Most of these products will be exported to foreign countries.

The necessary conditions have been created for the productive work, life and leisure of workers employed at the enterprise, members of their families. For this purpose, two two-storey 48-apartment houses and two dormitories with 400 seats are built here.

As the head of state noted, in the production meeting all modern requirements, 833 people will be employed, which will contribute to further improvement of the people's well-being level. The President expressed his firm belief that his commissioning would be a great contribution to the industrialization of Turkmenistan, turning it into one of the developed countries of the world.

In conclusion, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov once again congratulated the audience on putting the Türkmen aýna önümleri plant into operation, wishing everyone good health, family well-being, and its employees - great success in their work.

Then the Turkmen leader gave the floor to the chairman of the Union of Chambers and Exchanges of the Republic of Turkey, Rifat Hissarciklyoglu, who expressed to the head of state, on behalf of Turkish businessmen, deep respect and sincere gratitude for the trust and opportunity to participate in the implementation of large-scale infrastructure projects in our country designed to ensure a steady economic and social progress.

Turkmenistan, following the course of industrialization, has become the industrial center of the Eurasian region. A vivid example of the dynamic economic development of the country is the successfully completed project of building an innovative enterprise for the production of glass products, which today is solemnly put into operation. It is equipped with the most modern technologies, which will make it possible to produce products that are competitive in world markets, said Rifat Hisarjyklyoglu.

As the guest stressed, Turkish partners take part in the implementation of promising projects with confidence in the bright future of Turkmenistan, relying on the great support provided by the head of state Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to entrepreneurship.

Assured that they will continue to approach the implementation of industrial and export projects in Turkmenistan in the most serious and responsible manner, the chairman of the Union of Chambers and Exchanges of Turkey wished the head of the state new outstanding successes in his activities.

Then the President of the country under the stormy applause of the participants cut the symbolic ribbon of the enterprise "Türkmen aýna önümleri" and passes to the building of the production halls of the complex.

Here the head of state, at the request of the presenter, pressing the button, launches the conveyor line of the industrial giant, designed to become the flagship of the glass industry. The whole process could be traced through a video about the technological chain of production of sheet glass and unit glass containers.

It is based, as already noted above, on the advanced "float" technology - the method of manufacturing thermoligated glass on the melt of tin, which replaced the expensive method of grinding and polishing on bulky mechanical conveyors. This is an outstanding achievement in the glass industry and the manufacture of construction glass, a wide range of products used in various sectors of the economy, including in the food and medical industries.

The specialist told President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov about the functional characteristics of Glastone (Finland) equipment installed in the glass processing plants. The furnace capacity is 300 thousand square meters of tempered glass, the strength of which is 5 times higher than usual. These products are trauma-safe and used in the construction industry, automotive, home appliances and furniture.

The head of state watched with special interest how here, with the help of specialized equipment "Buhler" (Germany) and "Lises" (Austria), tempered glass is toned and laminated. From it, various types of sound-insulating and energy-saving double-glazed windows are manufactured.

Samples of raw materials and new types of glass products for our country were demonstrated at the exhibition that was opened here. As the employee of the enterprise has told, production includes shops of enrichment of raw materials, manufacturing of the polished glass, container production and branch of industrial processing of glass.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov also drew attention to how, depending on the type of glass and its purpose, the raw materials with the appropriate qualitative characteristics are selected. Its components are limestone, quartz sand, dolomite, sodium sulfate and other materials coming to the enterprise from domestic deposits.

For this purpose, special equipment of the company "Zippe" has been installed in the department. For the production of colored glass, use in appropriate proportions of the impurity. All components are carefully sieved, dried and mixed until a homogeneous mass-powder is obtained.

Further, the head of state was informed about the principles of the operation of the Hopn Glass Industies AG for the production of rolled glass. Such glass parameters as strength, appearance and thermal stability largely depend on how homogeneous in terms of their physical and chemical compositions of matter, from which the mixture is then formed - glassmass.

At a temperature of 1100 degrees Celsius, the charge falls into a special bath with molten tin. Due to the gravity and surface tension and the fact that molten glass is easily spreading over the surface of the tin, an absolutely flat and parallel surface is formed.

Further, the glass band is either stretched or the spreading of the glass mass is limited to obtain the desired thickness from 3 to 12 mm. Then it is removed and sent to the firing shop, where this work is done by the car of the Belgian company "Cnud". This stage is very important in the technological "float" process. When the glass is fired, the voltage obtained as a result of sufficiently rapid cooling of the product is relieved. When the mass solidifies, it turns into glass.

The technological process at the enterprise in Ovadandep includes also the production of a variety of glass transparent and colored containers for food products and pharmaceuticals. Thanks to the high-capacity molding equipment of the Italian company Bottero, it became possible to produce cans and bottles for drinks, as well as medical bottles and containers with a volume of 0.25 to 3 liters.

It is important to note that the production cycle in all links provides for automated control and management of technological processes at the level of international standards. In order to ensure full compliance with quality requirements and compliance with specified parameters from the preparation of raw materials to the release of finished products, the enterprise has a laboratory with high-precision equipment and devices.

As the head of state Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted, the commissioning of the enterprise "Türkmen aýna önümleri" will significantly reduce the volume of imports of relevant products to our country, and in the future, to export in a wide range of finished glass products. The pledged capacities of the glass giant are oriented to the most promising directions in this area of ​​the market.

Taking into account that the industrial facility is a new production in the glass industry of our country and the need for highly qualified professional personnel for its production process is high, Turkmen specialists are trained accordingly abroad. In total, the enterprise has created, as already noted, about a thousand jobs.

Having completed familiarity with high-tech production, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov left a memorable entry in the Book of Honored Guests and, giving the team of the enterprise the keys to new cars, warmly said goodbye to the participants of the ceremony and departed from the scene. 

600450 President opens high-tech enterprise for the production of glass products

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