Date: 8 November 2019
AUB offers courses using a unique collaborative approach. The new campus is located in Riffa, Bahrain. The innovative and ergonomic design of the educational and social spaces enhances the learning and development experience of each individual student.
On the one hand, the architecture is responsible for the experience; on the other, the interior ambience has a major impact on students’ achievements. The SILVERSTAR COMBI Grey 40/22 T solar protection coating effectively enhances both of these aspects. The homogeneous, neutral-grey reflective solar protection coating won over the architect in the critical design phase. It lends the American University of Bahrain its attractive appearance.
6,600 m2 of insulating glass are combined with a sophisticated layered design that ensures that heat remains outside. SILVERSTAR COMBI Grey 40/22 T and its shading coefficient of just 0.22 efficiently prevents the interior from becoming too hot. As Bahrain receives an enormous amount of sunlight, a light transmission value of 40% still allows enough natural daylight into the interior, meaning that students can almost entirely do without artificial light.

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