Date: 17 April 2015
Bullseye now offers a selection of French cleats and the adhesive required to attach them to your artwork. French CleatsHigh strength aluminum, heat treated to T6. Large, 12" (8611) Medium, 12" (8612) Medium, 6" (8613) Small, 12" (8614) Small, 6" (8615) Small, 3" (8616)For load information, see the chart: What Size French Cleat Do I Need?Silicone Adhesive Dow Corning® 995 Silicone Structural Sealant (8617) - A one-component, self-priming elastomeric adhesive specifically formulated for silicone structural glazing.Helpful ResourcesVideo lesson: Attaching French Cleats (subscription required)This lesson describes how to design and calculate basic requirements for a French cleat hanging system, what materials and tools you'll need, and how to set up the work area.We'll also cover how to apply and cure the adhesive and how to hang the piece.
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