Date: 2 June 2010
After doing robust business in Q1 2009/2010, ISRA saw its revenues increasing again in Q2 (January 1 to March 31, 2010). Thus, ISRA is gradually finding its way back to the path of sustainable growth. During the first 6 months, revenues reached 27.3 million Euros (PY 2008/2009: 28.4 million Euros), once again ISRA has been able to outperform the industry average. Particularly well business performance was achieved in Asia and South America, while results in Western Europe remained more or less stable. The company’s business on the North American continent has not yet recovered, however.
The timely implementation of measures to reduce costs and boost efficiency led to cost savings in the amount of approx. 1.0 million Euros in the 1st half of the financial year compared to the previous year. EBT (earnings before taxes) increased by 9 percent to 4.6 million Euros in the 1st half of the year. The EBT margin, a key performance indicator within the ISRA Group, rose to 15 percent of total output –two percentage points higher than in the 1st half of 2008/2009 and in FY 2008/2009 as a whole.
Read more here.

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