Date: 15 October 2007
More and more facades, floors, stairs, banisters etc. are built in glass and to achieve the required level of personal security, strength and firmness it needs laminated glass.
To meet this need on the market, glass processor Forserum Safety Glass, FSG in Sweden has made large investments in the area laminated glass.
Earlier this year we have invested in upgrading and development of our laminating glass cutting. Our new laminating glass equipment is high efficient. Now we can cut bigger glass sheets and the production capacity is doubled.
During the autumn, a laminating line with the biggest autoclave for glass laminating in north Europe is installed at Forserum Safety Glass. The line is planet to be in production in January 2008.
The new laminating line will have a capacity of 24 ton/day, or with other measured, during a week we will be able to produce laminated glass enough to cover 30 football fields. 6000x2600 mm is the maximum glass sheet size we will be able to laminate.
The laminating line will open up new possibilities for production of laminated glass sheets with unique function or design and thereby will expand further the wide product range of Forserum Safety Glass.
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