Date: 25 April 2014
Zhengzhou, the provincial capital of Henan Province, is a big city in Central China.It is famous for her heavy industries, and passenger car manufacturing industry is one of them. In the past few years, the passenger car manufacturing industry in Zhengzhou grew rapidly. The report clearly pointed out that more human and financial resources will be invested to the research and manufacture of passenger cars, aiming at making Zhengzhou to be the world's largest passenger car manufacturing base with core competitiveness sooner.
Talking about the manufacture of the passenger cars, the car glass should be mentioned. We all know that almost all of the glass used in the automobiles are tempered glass nowadays, so, with the development of the passenger cars' manufacture, large quantities of tempered glass will be in heavy demand, which create a good chance for the sale of glass tempering furnaces at the same time. LandGlass, a professional glass tempering machine manufacturer based in Luoyang, Henan Province, would like to offer the customers more best-quality furnaces to process qualified tempered glass to meet the requirements of the passenger cars' manufacture.

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