Date: 15 February 2011
In the category of Design and Fabrication, the following documents are now available:
* AAMA CW-12-84, “Structural Properties of Glass,” offers current technical information on the structural properties of glass and provides guidance on the selection and use of architectural glass.
* AAMA DDGA-89, “Daylighting Design Guidelines for Roof Glazing in Atrium Spaces,” focuses on large roof areas or atriums (30 to 90% of the roof area) for net annual energy and peak demand as the key measures of performance. The document outlines a procedure for making early schematic design decisions regarding the use of relatively large areas of horizontal roof glazing in the prototype atrium configuration and describes energy balance techniques.
* AAMA CW-13-85, “Structural Sealant Glazing Systems,” a design guide to the three basic structural silicone sealant glazing systems: 1) all glass, 2) strip window and 3) total wall, discusses the glass, metal framing members and silicone sealant.
In the category of Voluntary Test and Installation, the following documents are now available:
* AAMA 1505-09, “Voluntary Test Methods for Thermal Performance of Fenestration Products with Multiple Glazing Options,” outlines the procedures used to determine thermal performance ratings of products with more than one glazing option using test data.
* AAMA 2001-07, “Voluntary Specifications for Residential Translucent Sloped Glazing Systems,” establishes minimum requirements for the performance features of Residential Translucent Sloped Glazing System products built from aluminum, vinyl (PVC), wood and/or alternate materials.
In the category of Codes and Standards, the following document is now available:
* AAMA TIR A7-83, “Sloped Glazing Guidelines,” covers general provisions for design factors, breakage, condensation, loadings, deflection, inspection and testing for skylights and space enclosures titled more than 15 degrees from the vertical plane.
Documents available on encompass all areas of glass for fenestration and are categorized within the site by Codes and Standards, Design and Fabrication, Voluntary Test Methods, Post Fabrication and Installation, Thermal Performance and Care and Maintenance. The website is intended to provide the information needed in order to ensure both code compliance and good design.
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