Date: 20 October 2021
Vetreria Bazzanese (vetreriabazzanese.com) is a company located near Bologna, Italy, and is one of the most important glazier of the Italian glass industry. With countless special creations to its credit, the company’s precision and care give birth to alive and vibrant and charming projects of curves and cristals.
To realize those dreams, Vetreria Bazzanese wanted a reliable partner to add to their experience and know-how, a supplier ready to satisfy their demanding, specialized production.
Since 2015, RCN SOLUTIONS (rcnsolutions.it) has been working to supply the customer with machines and service. Commitment and sense of responsibility have allowed the installation of significant machinery. On the other side, the customer with professionality and intelligence has managed to qualify its partner.
On October 11th, 2021, two new machines were delivered to Vetreria Bazzanese and installed immediately after; one bending kiln, ECO SPECIAL 4000 – which is special because the heat system is divided in different, independing zones; and one laminating kiln, SMART XXL, versatile kiln complete of RD CLEAN CONCEPT, the latest innovation for projects needing clean edges. Presented at Vitrum, RD CLEAN CONCEPT met great success.
The approval and support of the customers motivate RCN SOLUTIONS in investing time and sources for quality innovations and better service, the two pillars the company’s technical and commercial choices are based on.

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