Date: 25 January 2019
Shaped like the sail of a boat that rises to 70 metres in height, the building has 369 guestrooms, including 29 suites, distributed across 18 floors, as well as a fitness area, panoramic bar and conference rooms.
The building has a sharp architectural identity and modern look. Its dimensions and shape help distinguish the hotel from the surrounding office towers. The “knife blade” shaped building plays on contrasting materials: glass on the southern esplanade-side facade and metallic shot-peened panels on the boulevard side.
The fluid, curved southern facade ends in a prow with a tilted edge projecting towards Paris. The gaping glass façade is visible by all the rooms, in which windows span along the entire width to open up towards the façade, providing the interiors with a stunning luminosity and a spectacular view of the horizon.
Guardian SunGuard® SuperNeutral™ (SN) 51/28 coated solar control glass was chosen for the façade, including curved sections. The multi-functional coated glass provides high natural light transmission (51%), while ensuring energy savings and exceptional solar protection. The coating minimises the need for artificial light combined with outstanding thermal insulation.

CITY: Courbevoie
CLADDER: Rinaldi

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