Date: 23 July 2018
Furthermore, a live demo will show the TASS High-Speed-Stacker with its new type of double-arm kinematics, efficiently working on small size glass formats. The company will also present their improved coating technology.
"With high-performance technologies we pave the way for the glass industry towards the Factory of the Future. With digital solutions and new features, most important to the customer is a tangible added value: We are looking for a highly flexible system which can be modularly extended – locally at the customer site, but also using Cloud Services. This ensures added value – even for applications, we do not yet know of", says Roland Jenning, Head of Innovation at Grenzebach.
The answer is a high-performance IIoT platform the company developed in-house: the Grenzebach Application Server. A local solution for the IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) for all industrial applications; with the integrated expandability of Cloud computing.
At the world’s leading trade fair glasstec in Düsseldorf from Oct. 23. – 26, visitors to the Grenzebach booth will be able to experience the new platform – booth 15D23 in hall 15.
Use data of the complete value-added chain
“Digital Glass Production – Your Future Success”, true to this motto Grenzebach presents various methods for product traceability. Data generated along the value-added chain can directly be applied onto the product and of benefit for other actors on the way towards the final product as well as for users; Data, which is also useful for applications on basis of the Grenzebach Application Server.

TASS High-Speed Stacker: Innovative and sensitive
This is a platform, which last but not least stands for high-performance man-machine collaboration. This is where the TASS High-Speed-Stacker joins in. It is the smart and innovative turbo among the glass stacking equipment from Grenzebach: With the TASS High-Speed-Stacker the company is extending its portfolio of glass handling products with a high-performing new development.
With the new double-arm kinematics connected with an ideally matching infeed section with glass sheet accumulator, a highly efficient, fast and flexible stacking cell for small glass sizes up to 2m was created.
This is the perfect solution for new float line investments, replacement of manual unloading lines, exchange of slow and inflexible stacking equipment or upgrading high-performance hardening and coating equipment. The ability to very quickly pick sheets from the top (air side) as well as the bottom (tin side) gave the High-Speed-Stacker for small size glass sheets its name: TASS stands for Tin-Airside-Speed-Stacker.

New coating technology increases system flexiblity
Manufacturers of high-tech glass with highest requirements to architectural aesthetics and energy efficiency want to surprise their customers with innovations and therefore need coating equipment which allows for flexibility in their portfolio.
As a supplier of complete system lines, Grenzebach takes this fact into consideration as well as the running optimization of productivity, energy efficiency and availability of systems. Grenzebach has once more refined its coating technology and will give a detailed insight into the series of current innovations.

"Digital Glass Production – Your Future Success“ – With this slogan Grenzebach presents at the glasstec the quantum leaps which the glass producers can make thanks to the intelligent handling of data. In the coating process up to 20 single layers are applied onto the substrate.
This means an abundance of data with respect to the exact use of resources, which can be used for optimized coating as well as for improved up- and downstream processes.
The future: The measuring values, which are gathered by means of the sensors in the coater, allow an automatic process control which allows a complete evenness of the layers over a complete campaign. The optical properties of the high-tech glass are at any time during production of high-tech glass at 100%.
Besides the program at the booth, Grenzebach will hold a presentation on Wednesday, Oct. 24 at 3 p.m. at the VDMA glasstec conference Technology - interconnected production and new technologies (hall 10, booth C18-F18) Roland Jenning will talk on the topic: “Automation 4.0 in the glass world“.
More powerful, more accurate and more intelligent: During the glasstec 2018, Grenzebach will present strong innovations and will take visitors on a journey towards the glass factory of the future.

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