Glass Furnaces DVD

Date: 17 August 2015

New teaching aid from ACerS - The Glass Manufacturing Industry Council (GMIC) and The American Ceramic Society (ACerS) annouces the publication of the Glass Melting Furnaces DVD taught by Instructor C.

Philip Ross. 

This DVD reviews aspects of glass melting furnaces from the recent past, current practices, as well as the direction the industry will progress into the future. A discussion of various furnace types will include their preferred attributes for different glass types. Similarly, the selection requirements for various furnace refractories types and their properties in service are discusses. The conversion from raw materials to molten glass in the "fusion" process within the furnace is detailed. The principles of key preferred operating parameters are discussed relative to glass quality, energy efficiency and furnace. Mechanisms of air emission generation and control within glass furnaces are briefly covered. A review of innovation trends is also offered which show where there is interest for future advancements in furnace configurations and operation.


DISC 1 (1 hr 36 min)

Part 1  Introduction

Part 2  Function, Evoluton Drivers

Part 3  Furnace Types

Part 4  Glass Batch Formation

Past 5  Refractories and Issues

DISC2 (1 hr 17 min)

Part 6  Furnace Operations

Part 7  Air Emissions

Part 8  Future Issues

Part 9  Conclusions

List $295                  ACerS Members $250

Contact ACerS Customer Service to order by Phone

1-866-721-3322 or 240-646-7054

600450 Glass Furnaces DVD

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