Date: 6 August 2015
In the second half of 2014, the group launched a major recruitment programme to support development in Italy and across the world, with a view to strengthening the main business areas, from design to manufacturing, relying on the experience of senior professionals and the enthusiasm of those who aspire to one day take their place.
In 2015, this programme evolved into a plan targeting recruitment and inclusion in Italy and abroad, where Biesse Group today employs nearly 50% of its staff. "This operation is designed to build the company's future - explains Fabio La Cava, the Group's Human Resources Director - In light of the cyclical nature of the industry, within 4-5 years, people we recruit today will become the reference points of tomorrow, pushing Biesse Group ever forwards towards the ambitious targets we have set ourselves".
The recovery in production volumes has allowed for new employment opportunities to be generated in the factory, which has always been a pillar of excellence in terms both of methodologies and working conditions. "The machines incorporate increasingly advanced technologies, and operators in the factory are a precious resource - they combine technical expertise and reliable engineering skills" continues Fabio La Cava. These operators are required to have a good technical education, as well as the ability to read mechanical drawings, or specific experience in mechanics. In addition, organizational flexibility is a must, as well as a passion for working in an environment which is focused on ensuring the absolute quality and reliability of high-tech products. "For us, reliability is a great strength, and we foster it as part of our corporate culture" concludes the Director of Human Resources.
The new positions represent a fantastic opportunity, above all for young people from the surrounding areas, who have probably already taken part in a tour of the company. However, working with Biesse is also a powerful draw for all those who are willing to invest seriously on their own professional development, and who are interested an international career.
Who is the ideal candidate for the world of Biesse? "Young people with talent and energy, who are precise and committed when it comes down to practical methods, and who are ready to seize every opportunity for professional growth that they are offered, with enthusiasm and the spirit of adventure" explains Fabio La Cava. Key targets are new engineering graduates (whether in the mechanical, electronic, computer science or management area). Like Davide, from Pesaro, who achieved top marks at high school and went on to graduate with honours in electrical engineering - he joins the team responsible for developing artificial intelligence to govern the machines.
Or Valerio, from Ferrara, who at 26 years, after graduating in mechanical engineering, is now part of the team that coordinates projects between Pesaro and Bangalore, the Biesse production site in India.
Or even Alessandra, a graduate in computer science, who also works as a volunteer teaching children the principles of automation through Lego - she is now part of the software development team.
To apply, simply go to the Careers section of the new Biesse Group website and send us your CV, or apply through our LinkedIn page. The Group welcomes applications for open positions and apprenticeships, as well as from students working on their thesis.
New graduates can take part in one of our regular assessment workshops, during which they will have the opportunity to visit the company, meet the managers and company representatives, as well as participating in group tests and individual selection interviews.
People are the true capital of the company, and founder Giancarlo Selci is the most ardent believer of this: "We push people towards self-improvement, encouraging them to make suggestions, to make decisions, but also to be creative and innovative and to work in team. We help them to develop their leadership and skills, guiding them with passion and leading by example".

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