Date: 28 September 2015
The course is a 1 LU credit CEU course and carries the HSW (Health Safety and Welfare) accreditation. The title of the course is: Pre-Glazed Impact Storefront Delivery SystemAnd a description of the course is as follows:Storefront fabrication and delivery is done in two primary ways; stick built transported on glazier work trucks or pre-glazed fabrication followed by jobsite delivery direct from the factory.A majority of framing systems used in the stick built process are flush-glazed, center set weep systems. These systems don’t require any sophisticated equipment. Pre-glazed systems are typically wet seal, non-weep designs. This course is focused on the fabrication, assembly, delivery of hurricane-resistant (impact) storefront and entrance doors. Impact products require additional attention to manufacturing standards due to the safety of structures and occupants within.
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