Date: 17 November 2022
The verification and publication of Type III Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) were carried out in accordance with ISO 14025:2006 and the international PCR system c-PCR-009 Flat glass products (EN17074:2019). One EPD covers acid-etched and unetched mirrors, while the other addresses full-surface Walker Textures® acid-etched glass, including etched products with a low-e coating on surface two. According to our research, these two EPDs are the only ones of their kind on the market.
“These new versions of our EPDs are examples of Walker’s continued commitment to the environment and sustainable development. These tools will be most helpful for architects and developers in selecting sustainable materials that provide full transparency regarding their make up – materials that will contribute to a better tomorrow.” says Charles Alexander, Vice President of Sales & Marketing.
“The new EPDs on acid-etched glass, including the option with energy-efficient coating, are further proof that Walker remains attentive to the needs of architects and their desire for materials that meet the highest environmental standards,” says Marc Deschamps, Director of Products and Business Development.
For more information about our new EPDs or to obtain a copy, please contact our Customer Service department or visit our website at: walkerglass.com/resources/sustainable-materials

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