Date: 22 April 2021
Chemical tempering of the glass has been recently reconsidered for those applications that seemed out of reach because not in line with the market trends.
The glass market is going bigger in size and the RCN machines also follow these requirements while keeping an eye on very small sizes too, as these are not less important or negligible, indeed they are part of the countless possibilities the chemically tempered glass responds to.
The CT80S, max glass size 130x130mm or 250x130mm and tank capacity for 15Kg of potassium, is suitable for both laboratory tests and for the optical industry.
Although compact and for limited production, CT80S includes all the features to assure an excellent chemical tempering, a precious example of small but mighty that has charmed the R&D department of some international companies, as well as lens-manufacturing companies.
Yet, one important element is not often fully pointed out when the subject of chemical tempering is on the table: the role of the potassium.
While it is clear the machines cannot work without potassium, its quality is a crucial matter for a good tempering result.
No matter how performing is the chemical tempering machine, if the potassium is poor quality, the specifications of the final product will be much lower than expected.
RCN SOLUTIONS supplies a hundred per cent pure Potassium Nitrate, as per RPE analysis that is provided with every lot of salt delivered. Potassium free from impurities, facilitates the ion exchange, the temper penetration, the bath temperature uniformity and tank longer life. Differently, potassium containing impurities, such as metals, compromises the quality of the final product.
Once again, RCN reveals to be a quality-driven company.

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