Date: 5 September 2019
Are you interested in energy conversion, saving, storage as well as architectural and automotive glazing? These examples and other interesting topics in the field of “Advanced Coatings on Glass and Plastics for Large-Area or High-Volume Products” will be paramount at the ICCG13 in Braunschweig from March 23 to 26, 2020. Join us and other international experts to discuss the latest trends and recent developments.
The aim of the International Conference on Coatings on Glass and Plastics ICCG is to identify significant trends early on and to discuss possible implementation in new technologies and products guided by market requirements.
If you want to submit an abstract for an oral or a poster presentation at the ICCG13, please create a user account on the ICCG13 website. The deadline for the abstract submission is September 30, 2019 https://13.iccg.eu/en/abstracts.
Please note our early bird deal for the conference registration. By registering before December 1, 2019 the early bird fee is only € 850 for the full conference including lunch and all social events. The short courses fee is € 280 including the short courses book https://13.iccg.eu/en/tickets/order.
The accompanying technical exhibition offers a unique opportunity for your organization to present your equipment, products, and services to an international community. If we sparked your interest, please fill out the exhibitor form https://13.iccg.eu/download/Exhibitor_Form_ICCG13_active.pdf and send the signed application form to info@iccg.eu.
You can find the latest information about the conference in the Second Circular https://13.iccg.eu/download/Second_Circular.pdf and on our website.
If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us.
We look forward to seeing you next year in Braunschweig in March 2020.
Yours sincerely,
Sgd. Prof. Dr. Günter Bräuer
Chairman of the board of ICCG e.V.

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