Global Bioactive Glass Market: Opportunity, Trends, & Forecast 2015-2019

Date: 8 September 2015

About Sapphire GlassSapphire glass is a synthetic variant of the naturally available sapphire gemstone.

Sapphire glass is industrially made from aluminum oxide, wherein the raw material is fused and processed to produce an extremely hard polycrystalline product. The production of synthetic sapphire had unlocked various applications for this novel material, that otherwise was restricted to decorative use as a rare gemstone. Sapphire glass ranks next only to diamond in terms of hardness and is extremely resistant to scratches. This property of the material is increasingly being explored by various organizations across the world. The major commercial uses of sapphire glass are in the manufacture of smartphone displays, watchmaking, and manufacture of medical, mechanical, and optical equipment and as a bulletproof and ballistic material in safety establishments.

This report analysts forecast the global sapphire glass market to grow at a CAGR of 6.21% in terms of revenue during 2014-2019.

Covered in this Report

This report, Global Sapphire Glass Market 2015-2019, has been prepared based on an in-depth market analysis with inputs from various industry experts. The report includes a comprehensive discussion on the market, its evolution, an extensive coverage on various types of applications, and the estimates in terms of revenue and volume. The report provides comments on both the existing market landscape and its growth prospects over the forecast period. The report further includes a detailed discussion of the key vendors in the market and also includes a commentary on the other prominent vendors of sapphire glass and related end use products.

The market is divided into the following segments based on application:

smartphones, watches, optical and mechanical instruments, safety establishments, medical devices, and others.

The following are the key highlights of the report:

• Comparative analysis of substitutable products

• Comparative analysis of vendor capabilities

• Insights on “Project Phire”

600450 Global Bioactive Glass Market: Opportunity, Trends, & Forecast 2015-2019

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