Date: 22 June 2020
As anticipated in the EU Green Deal, the European Commission will release in September its plan to increase the EU’s 2030 GHG reductions goal from 40% to at least 50% – and towards -55%. In its answer to the consultation, the flat glass industry reiterated its support to the EU objective to achieve climate neutrality by 2050.
Becoming the first climate-neutral continent will require an extraordinary transformation of the European economy. To Glass for Europe, more ambitious targets in the legislation will need to be complemented by concrete measures to support the transition. Now more than ever, the need to relaunch the economy after the COVID19 crisis with initiatives that are compatible with the 2050 objective is of utmost importance.
EU action should focus on supporting the reduction of emissions in the sectors where solutions are available and implementable in a short timeline, like in the building and transport sectors. A review of the directive on the energy performance of buildings to scale-up efficiency of renovation, and an ambitious renovation wave will be instrumental to cut emissions in the most polluting sector of our economy. In parallel, the European Union should put in place the right enabling framework to allow hard-to-abate sectors such as the flat glass manufacturing industry, to reduce their emissions and achieve carbon neutrality in 2050.
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