Date: 23 August 2018
The results are presented by David McKinnon of the international engineering and consulting company Ramboll that carried out the study.
The reason for the EuroWindoor study was a European wood window disposal scenario in context of draft standard prEN 17213 ("Windows and doors - Environmental Product Declarations - Product category rules for windows and pedestrian doorsets") where, due to lack of data, an assumption was made that 50 percent of old windows are disposed of at the landfill.
“What happens to the wood after the time of use as a window or door?” In order to arrive at a result that is representative for the whole of Europe, the study considers the European legislation and the situation in nine different European reference countries (AT, CZ, DE, DK, FR, GB, IT, NL and SE).
The results of the study will be presented on October 24th, 2018 from 11 to 12.30 h at the glasstec fair in hall 10, C18 - F18.
There is a simultaneous translation in German and English. Participation is free. However, a ticket to the fair with the Daylight by EuroWindoor ticket as well as a registration via EuroWindoor at gs@eurowindoor.eu with keywords "End-of-Life Treatment", your full name and company name is required.
On the same day and place, in the afternoon from 14 to 16 h, the conference "Daylight by EuroWindoor: Daylighting in Buildings - News on Basics and Planning" will take place. It focuses on the new European standard EN 17037 for daylight in buildings that will be published in autumn in addition to new findings from daylight research and their skilful implementation in the planning process.
Speakers of the conference are the daylight standardisation expert Prof. Marc Fontoynont, who teaches in Denmark, the renowned German lighting designer Prof. Peter Andres as well as experts from the Verband Fenster + Fassade (Window and Curtain Walling Manufacturers’ Association) and the Bundesverband Flachglas (Federal Flat Glass Association). Participants can register for 49 € per person directly at the ticket shop of "glasstec" (www.glasstec-online.de). The ticket also entitles to visit the fair.
"We also recommend that participants in the morning presentation attend the EuroWindoor afternoon conference on Daylight" commented EuroWindoor Secretary General Frank Koos. "In addition to the factual information, the participants also benefit from the ticket to the afternoon event, which allows access to the fair."
EuroWindoor flyer for the events on the fair "glasstec" on October 24th, 2018

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