Date: 23 November 2021
In the answer to the public consultation on the recast of the Energy efficiency Directive, Glass for Europe emphasised the need of drastic reductions in buildings’ energy consumption to achieve 55% CO2 emissions cut by 2030.
Glass for Europe supports the increased focus on building renovation in the EED recast and welcomes the proposal to extend the 3% renovation requirements to all public buildings. To deliver the Renovation Wave objectives, massive investment of the public sector in the renovation of public buildings are needed at the highest performance standards.
Upgrading the ambition of the energy efficiency target and making it binding at EU level will be instrumental to reach the 55% emissions cut by 2030. Nevertheless, to provide predictability to the industry and ensure accountability of Member States, Glass for Europe believes that national energy efficiency targets as well should be made mandatory.
Read here the feedback from Glass for Europe on the recast of the EU energy efficiency directive (EED)

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