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Energy Consumption
HORN Hybrid Oxyfuel Furnace (Hybrid OXY)
DOE Announces National Definition of a Zero Emissions Building
VETECO will capitalise on business opportunities in a key sector for promoting energy efficiency
Manifesto 2024-2029: Glass for Europe presents its policy recommendations
The European Parliament approves the agreement reached last December on the EPBD
2040 climate target: joint statement by the Alliance of Energy-Intensive Industries
Windows Replacement and Insulating Gas in Glass for Europe’s Agenda
Political agreement reached on the revision of the EPBD
Joana Arreguy participated in the Clean Transition Dialogue on Energy-Intensive Industries
The European Parliament adopts its position on the Net-Zero Industry Act | Glass for Europe
Shaping the Sustainable Future of Glass: Glaston at GlassBuild America 2023
FLACHGLAS continues investing in Glaston modernizations
Choosing ‘High energy performance’ glazing in windows: new video and paper
Innovative Fenzi AGT technology for auto-industry specific enamels
MEC – MAPPI Edge Computing @ Vitrum 2023
TEMPER FLEX - New Pujol tempering oven
Glaston - The power of saving energy with new technology
Glaston RC Series proves to be the right move
Sparklike: How to Impact Energy Efficiency of Buildings?
Glaston is committed to set science-based emissions reduction targets
Amping up the power of sustainable glass production | Horn Glass Industries
Strategies to minimize costs in insulating glass production | Glastory
Glass for Europe: The net-zero industry act needs to be beefed up rapidly
The European Parliament adopts its position on the EPBD
SCHIATTI promotes sustainability also in the company’s headquarters
Glass for Europe: Glazing technologies to deliver heatwave-proof buildings
More news
Glastory: Tempering energy-consumption claims
Collaborative Optimized Design of Glazing Parameters and PCM Utilization for Energy-Efficient Glass Curtain Wall Buildings
How To Improve Energy Efficiency in Safety Glass Manufacturing: An Expert's Guide
Solving windscreen and sunroof production issues with convection preheating - Glastory
Highly transparent silanized cellulose aerogels for boosting energy efficiency of glazing in buildings
Degradation of Insulating Glass Units: Thermal Performance, Measurements and Energy Impacts
Sustainable Building: To Achieve Thermal Comfort in Highly Glazed Buildings Using Smart Glass
Mapping the flat glass value-chain: a material flow analysis and energy balance of UK production
Latest on Glastory: How to reduce energy consumption in glass lamination
3 ways to reduce energy consumption in glass tempering
Energy and Daylighting Evaluation of Integrated STPV Windows with Internal Light Shelves in Open-Office Buildings
MICA (Monitoring Internal Comfort Application)
Glass tempering energy consumption: If the numbers look too good, they probably are
LEEDing the way in advanced glazing for more energy efficient buildings
What is Embodied Carbon?
Understand your tempering line energy consumption – then minimize it effectively | Glastory
Glastory: When it comes to energy
PRIME Glass Project: Innovative PRImary MEasures for the reduction of NOx emissions and energy consumption by glass furnaces
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