Date: 4 June 2019
Mila’s stand at the FIT Show was devoted to one single product – the new Avia secure smart lock from Mighton Products. We’ve just become the exclusive UK trade distributors of this Apple HomeKit compatible device, so the timing of the exhibition couldn’t have been better for us.
It was still a bold move though to go to FIT with such a single minded approach, but Avia could potentially be such a game changing product for us and for our customers that we felt it was justified; and the response we had at the show definitely confirmed that.
Anyone visiting FIT can’t have failed to notice the fact that smart technology was everywhere – not just in security but in everything from blinds to glazing as well. In an Alexa and Siri enabled world, the industry seemed to have finally woken up to the opportunity which smart technology now represents to generate profitable new business.
The emphasis of course is on the word ‘profitable’ because what was confirmed to us at FIT is that, above all, fabricators and installers are looking for a smart solution which allows them to open up new sales opportunities with strong and sustainable margins.
What they don’t want to get involved with are new technologies which will cause hassle or disruption to their core operations, and they certainly don’t want to start fitting a product which will end up costing them time and money in remedials further down the line.
That’s where Avia clearly comes out on top. This is one of the few smart locks which can be quickly and simply retrofitted in PVC, composite or timber doors from 44-70mm with all standard multi-point locking systems. It comes with a standard sized backplate and is fitted wirelessly so can be easily integrated into existing production and installation set ups.
Crucially, it is also fitted on the inside of the door, with something like a Mila SupaSecure PAS24, SBD accredited handle fitted on the outside. That means installers can use Avia to revisit previous projects to generate new business, and relax knowing that it is as quick and easy to fit as any other standard locking system.
The SupaSecure handle on the outside eliminates the risk of tampering which FIT Show visitors told us is still a concern for both trade and retail buyers and of course it also means that it comes with the absolute reassurance of a conventional key and cylinder for back up in emergencies.
Visitors to our stand at FIT were looking for reassurance for themselves that the smart lock they choose will be easy to fit but also that it will be easy to sell. Again, Avia has all the right answers.
That’s largely because it is compatible with Apple HomeKit, which means it has been reviewed and approved by Apple to ensure that the military grade software protocols it uses are fully secure. It also means that it comes with the trusted Apple HomeKit logo on all of its literature and packaging.
In terms of performance, the Avia secure smart lock has all of the features which homeowners now expect. It is compatible with key fob, iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch and home hub and provides secure access control from anywhere in the world.
Significantly of course, because it is being supplied direct by Mila, it also comes with the guarantee of in-stock availability for trade customers, next day delivery if required, full sales and technical support and a comprehensive marketing package.
More details are at: www.mila.co.uk

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