Date: 8 April 2020
The world is facing a significant battle with the COVID-19 pandemic. As a company dedicated to social responsibility, Eastman is committed to helping in the fight. That is why Eastman Brazil is donating its copolyesters to two companies for use in the creation of protective equipment: 3D Lab, a manufacturer of 3D printing filaments; and MMS Plásticos, a Brazilian plastics distributor.
3D Lab is using Eastar™ copolyesters to help create face shields for the protection of healthcare workers in the country. The face shields are expected to be ready to distribute free, mostly to public hospitals, in early April.
“We knew we had to help people during this challenging time, especially because we have the perfect material in Eastar for this kind of equipment. Eastar has the chemical resistance needed for the entire surface to be cleaned with various medical disinfectants, and the parts will withstand constant use,” said Rogério Dias, manager of Specialty Plastics for Eastman in Latin America.
Dias said when the need for a face shield material was identified, Eastman quickly stepped forward and offered Eastar, which has a long history of use in a wide range of products that includes medical devices and face shields.
“We have to do our part. It’s so important to help the healthcare community avoid new contaminations. Since the production and the assembly of the face shields takes only a few hours, a lot can be created in a short period of time, which can help save lives,” explained Dias.
In a separate initiative, MMS Plásticos will use Eastman Cadence™ copolyester to help produce the face shield cover. These protective masks will also help preserve the health of medical professionals in Brazil.
The efforts of SIMPERJ (Union of Plastics Industries of Rio de Janeiro) have been a catalyst for initiatives like the one being undertaken by MMS Plásticos.
“With the determination of quarantine, we at FIRJAN (Federation of Industries of Rio de Janeiro), started mobilizing a great network within the industry to donate products and equipment to fight the coronavirus. MMS Plásticos and Eastman promptly answered our requests and, together, we are giving back to society in the best possible way, protecting lives,” explained Rafael Sette, SIMPERJ sustainability director.
Both initiatives will help produce more than 20,000 face shields. In addition to these efforts, Eastman is doing its part to stop the proliferation of COVID-19 in other regions where it operates.

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