Date: 10 February 2017
Expectations are on the rise for Vitrum 2017, the international exhibition that will open its doors on October 3rd, attracting the world of glass processing to Fiera Milano Rho.
This year the show will focus specifically on the close connection between all the industry’s players – foreign and Italian businesses, domestic and international glass industry associations, institutional stakeholders, research centers and trade press from around the world.
Vitrum stakes its claim as the “House of Glass”, the ideal setting for machinery manufacturers and operators, researchers, technicians, industry professionals and institutional stakeholders to meet and share ideas that drive product innovation and optimization, and stimulate growth of the industry.
For the Italian market, 2017 is a year sure to spur investments in machinery, thanks to the government incentives in support of enterprise: the New Sabatini, SuperAmmortamento, IperAmmortamento, and Tax Credits for Research and Development.
Through the first half of 2018, Italian businesses can take advantage (as long as contracts are finalized by year-end 2017) of crucial tax savings when purchasing new machinery, making Vitrum the perfect ‘runway’ for showing off their glass processing products to Italian customers.
And, to help industry professionals gain a deeper understanding and the best ways to take advantage of these incentives, a technical seminar will be held on precisely that topic.
In addition to this seminar, there will also be a workshop entitled “Glass products for construction”, organized by Gimav in partnership with Assovetro, in answer to the interest stimulated by the innovative applications of this remarkable material.
Many other cutting edge innovations will further enhance participation in this edition of the show which, for the first time, will occupy the two central pavilions at Fiera Milano-Rho, ensuring easier access to exhibitors and making it more convenient for visitors.
Vitrum 2017 takes exhibitor budgets into consideration, offering extremely competitive participation costs, right from the start.
First-time exhibitors that want to “test” the quality of the event can benefit from practical, cost-effective “turnkey” solutions that allow them to be star players on the show floor, even with a modest budget.
Major cost advantages are also ensured for repeat exhibitors, who will receive a 25% discount on the cost of additional square meters over those occupied at the 2015 edition -- an opportunity to expand their presence, while strengthening their brand image and visibility.
But the benefits of Vitrum 2017 do not end with the cost of floor space. The forthcoming edition is also seriously invested in digital services designed to make the visit even more pleasing and profitable for all participants.
Free wi-fi will be available throughout both exhibition pavilions and all exhibitors will also have free access to the “e-contact” app for recording visitor data – an extremely valuable sales support tool that makes it possible to quickly and easily create data entries for the trade professionals who visit their stands, integrating the information from their business cards with notes for immediate and precise follow-up actions.
In addition to this app for exhibitors, the “Vitrum 2017” app is available to everyone. It contains listings for all the businesses at the Fair and can easily be searched by product. It also contains useful information about the fairgrounds and other facts designed to make a visit to the show more enjoyable and productive.
Rounding out the digital proposals is the “Match-making” tool. After an initial positive test run at the last edition, it is back again, in a streamlined version that makes it easier for visitors to set up business appointments at the Show.
Big news also regarding the promotional tools available to exhibitors to increase their visibility and add value to their participation.
The print catalog continues to be a popular reading for industry professionals who use it as a directory of the innovative products being offered.
Exhibitors can purchase ad pages in it to gain prominence and increase visibility, calling attention to their businesses in an exclusive and effective manner.
Its electronic twin is the on-line catalog which continues to be available for consultation for two years after the show ends.
In addition to the basic information provided with each listing, advertisers can enhance their listing with the addition of images and the company logo.
Advertisers can also promote their company’s presence through acquisition of a banner that will be displayed, in rotation, for 3 months in the on-line catalog which, at every edition of the show, receives an impressive number of visits.
The pavilion map, distributed free to all visitors, offers exhibitors an opportunity to highlight their participation through display of their logo or purchase of advertising space.
As to digital advertising, for this edition Vitrum is also allowing participants to use the Fair’s social media channels to share information about their innovations and technologies on Facebook and Twitter.
Entirely new, on the other hand, are the preferential conditions for putting up posters around the fairgrounds, allowing businesses to gain a visual advantage and increase brand visibility to an even vaster public.
Detailed information about all the promotional tools for exhibitors is now available on the Vitrum website at: http://www.vitrum-milano.com/sito/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/PresentazioneServiziVitrum_GB.pdf

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