Date: 21 March 2008
Jorge Villalobos, President of the Mexican Center for Philanthropy, A.C. (CEMEFI) the distinction of being a Socially Responsible Corporation (ESR) 2008 upon confirming that the company meets the established standards in the strategic area of corporate social responsibility.
The acknowledgements were awarded to Glass Containers, Flat Glass, Corporate Offices and Clínica Vitro, business units and support centers for Vitro that presented before this institution their proof of compliance to the established indicators in the areas of corporate social responsibility.
Through this Distinction all the companies of Vitro will be able to possess the ESR Distinction for one year (renewable) in its corporate image, advertising, installations, vehicles and products, among other media, for the purpose of its interested audiences to recognize and evaluate for themselves our collective commitment to responsible management.
“We are proud to receive the Socially Responsible Company Distinction as it endorses the social and environmental orientation that Vitro has practiced since its founding in 1909, inclusive in advance of the Social Security Institutions of Mexico. This national recognition motivates us to continue working for our people, our community and our environment for the benefit of future generations and sustainable development”, commented Federico Sada, CEO of Vitro.
He added that the accumulation of initiatives implemented over the past 100 years in different areas, like glass recycling, wildlife and nature conservation, the promotion of culture and art, support for education and social development were adequate for the CEMEFI to consider the existence of sufficient merit, according to the established guidelines set by the institution, in the area of corporate social responsibility.
To date Vitro counts among its most important initiatives in social responsibility; The Glass Museum, Clínica Vitro, Vitro Club, Vitro Park “El Manzano”, The Collection Workshop, support to its workers for the acquiring of housing mortgages, the ANSPAC volunteer group, the Foundation Pro-National History Museum, Chapultepec Castle, the Ecological Park “Chipinque” in conjunction with the state government of Nuevo León and important corporations in the community, support to education through the Tecnológico de Monterrey and other leading universities in Mexico and the 4 schools that Vitro runs in Monterrey, as well as the Organization for Wildlife Preservation, an institution that operates in four nature reserves in Mexico in support of the conservation of endangered flora and fauna species and, its institutional glass bottle recycling program, among others.
Just in 2007 alone The Glass Museum welcomed 29,832 visitors to its exhibits and facilitated 131 students from public and private universities to practice their professional internship, social service and related research. It has established two awards to support and promote culture and art: the Crystal Prize (Premio Cristal) that distinguishes those individuals who excel in their unrelenting efforts, and that since 2002, has awarded more than 20 individuals and the Biannual Art in Glass, created in 2006 in which 85 artists participated and whose convening for 2008 extends to Spain and Portugal, in addition to Latin America.
For its part Clínica Vitro practiced 969 surgeries to patients from the community during 2007 and continues to support the professional training of future doctors, nurses and technicians. Clínica Vitro also supports research through different agreements entered into since 1991 with various universities, learning institutions and private and public schools from Monterrey. Each year around 130 students from different health and medical branches perform their professional internship in our installations.
Beginning in 1942 we have supported children and young peoples’ education at the pre-school, primary and secondary levels through the Educational Development, A.C. (FEAC) program that oversees and administers 4 learning institutions that enrolled in 2007, 1,646 children from Monterrey, Nuevo Leon.
From the beginnings of the program for support in arranging housing credits, the program has arranged 12,034 mortgages for our employees in Mexico. Just in 2007 alone 1,468 mortgages were arranged through INFONAVIT and 86 through commercial banks.
Vitro was founded in 1909 with a clear vision: offer quality products and services that generate economic value in complete equilibrium with the development and wellbeing of its employees and workers, by being pioneers in the best practices in social security, development of the community and protection of the environment.
Our business model is based on five fundamental premises: ongoing investments to consolidate our competitive advantage, transparency in the way we administer the company, quality of life for our colleagues, continuous support to the community and preservation of the environment. Our vision of social responsibility is reflected in the nature of our business: products that are 100% recyclable and environmentally friendly.
Vitro, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV: VITROA; NYSE: VTO), is one of the largest glass manufacturers in the world. Through our subsidiary companies we offer products with the highest quality standards and reliable services to satisfy the needs of two distinct business sectors: glass containers and flat glass. Our manufacturing facilities produce, process, distribute and sell a wide range of glass products that offer excellent solutions to multiple industries that include: wine, beer, cosmetic, pharmaceutical, food and beverage, as well as the automotive and construction industry. Also, we supply raw materials, machinery and industrial equipment to different industries. We constantly strive to improve the quality of life for our employees as well as the communities in which we do business by generating employment and economic prosperity thanks to our permanent focus on quality and continuous improvement as well as consistent efforts to promote sustainable development. Our World Headquarters are located in Monterrey, Mexico where Vitro was founded in 1909 and now embarks major facilities and a broad distribution network in nine countries in the Americas and Europe. Additionally, it exports its products to several countries around the World. For more information, you can access Vitro’s Website at:

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