Date: 8 June 2007
The project, which is being run by the Waste & Resources Action Programme (WRAP), aims to make the cuts from the UK waste stream by March 2008.
Finding ways to cut down on the glass used for bottles without compromising on strength could help beverage processors meet the increasing restrictions on packaging waste. Lighter weight bottles could also help them cut down on transportation costs.
Scottish & Newcastle, Anheuser Busch, Coors UK, SAB Miller, Whyte & MacKay, Hall & Woodhouse, Fullers, and Robinsons are among the industry participants.
The project will include an analysis of the complete supply chain, and also involves supermarket chain Morrisons, along with packagers Allied Glass, Beatson Clark, Quinn Glass, Rockware and O-I.
Read the entire story on the source link below.

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