Date: 15 September 2016
Hometown Craftsmanship Adorns New World Class U.S. Bank Stadium
Nearly 50,000 Feet of Railing Provided by Minneapolis-Based SC Railing Company
Vikings build things that last, and the new U.S. Bank Stadium is no exception. Designed to stand tall for generations, the home field of the Minnesota Vikings features 49,000 feet of decorative railing crafted by Minneapolis-based SC Railing Company, a national leader in the design, engineering and manufacturing of ornamental railing systems for commercial building applications.
On September 18, 2016, U.S. Bank Stadium will host the first regular season game against their rival, the Green Bay Packers. When fans enter the stadium, they will likely be in awe of the striking architecture, the majestic 95-foot-tall glass doors, the mystifying translucent roof, and the 8,000-square-foot video monitor. As they take it all in, they will need to hold onto something; and that’s when the railings will come in handy.
Entering from street level, event-goers will ascend the main stairs lined with crowd control and aisle rails made of anodized aluminum tube. If they use the exterior pedestrian ramp, they will find more than 2,000 feet of Tensiline Cable Railing. Just inside the operable glass doors, they will view 1,400 feet of custom Post Rail with glass infill and attached aluminum drinkrails that act as a wind diverter.
Moving into the seating area, fans will be accompanied by 12,500 feet of Track Rail, a stud-weld attached base shoe railing system with glass infill. The 6,100 feet of anodized aluminum Griprail aisle railings are Wi-Fi enabled thanks in part to the use of “core cups,” a mounting technology that enables easier wiring placement via pre-set holes, unlike core drilling, in which holes would need to be drilled after the concrete is poured. Transcending seating levels, fans are treated to over 10,000 feet of Tensiline Cable Railing.
Once comfortably inside the stadium, event-goers in the front of the bowl will grip 6,500 feet of Track Rail base shoe railing system with glass infill. The back of the bowl is adorned with 1,800 feet of 6-foot-tall aluminum perforated panels featuring Tiger Drylac anodized silver 38/91020 powder coat finish and posts with a class-II clear anodize finish.
Visitors to the Valhalla Club will find aluminum Track Rail base shoe railings with stainless steel cladding, glass guards and integral frosted glass drink surfaces. In Club Purple, suites are separated by clear glass Track Rail dividers.
Semi-ambulatory seating areas, which are moveable to allow multiple configurations, including baseball games and one-of-a-kind concerts, feature anodized aluminum platforms & chairstops. Retractable seating risers feature demountable ADA platforms, which are made of grey polyvinyl wood with SC90 understructure for optimal flexibility.
Whether visitors to U.S. Bank Stadium are in the house to take in a Vikings game, soccer or baseball game, concert or other event, there is one thing all fans will appreciate—the safety, security and splendor of the railing structures designed by SC Railing Company.
SC Railing was proud to work with HKS Architects, Mortenson Construction, Thor Construction, and Cardinal LG Company to provide railing for U.S. Bank Stadium.

Impressive structures in glass. Congrats!