Successful China Glass 2017 for Bystronic glass

Great interest in the IG line B’COMFORT 
(© Bystronic glass)
Photo source
© Bystronic glass

Date: 14 June 2017

Successful exhibition for the trendsetter in architectural and automotive glass.

At China Glass 2017 exhibition in Beijing Bystronic glass presented again future-oriented technologies for trend-setting and efficient processing of architectural and automotive glass.

“We are quite satisfied with the whole show because we had a lot of visitors at our booth since the beginning of the opening day and we were in interesting, positive conversations with them.

The majority of our contacts were of good quality and we are following a lot of strong leads now. We are looking forward to a really good result after the show”, explained Jeffrey Zhao, Managing Director of Bystronic glass Co. Ltd. (Shanghai).


B’COMFORT (insulatiing glass manufacturing)

With the IG line B’COMFORT Bystronic glass presented a solution for manufacturing of gas-filled insulating glass units at an excellent cost/performance ratio in the proven Bystronic glass quality including high productivity, a compact system layout and numerous individual expansion levels.

During the daily live demonstrations, visitors were able to reassure themselves that working with the line is reliable, quick and precise while also gaining an ideal entry into the field of industrial insulating glass production.

Furthermore, the B’COMFORT offers an inexpensive way to quickly expand insulating glass production capacities: Up to 800 gas-filled insulating glass units can be produced in rectangles or shaped formats per shift.

Included in the B’COMFORT has been the new sealer for continuous, automatic sealing of varying glass formats and dimensions. An excellent sealing quality is achieved due to the volume-controlled dosing system close to the nozzle.

The corners are homogeneously sealed and the free access to the operator side leads to an easy glass off-loading.

f.l.t.r.: Dr. Burghard Schneider (CEO Bystronic glass), Frank Runte (Managing Director Bystronic glass Machinery Co., Ltd. (Shanghai), Jeffrey Zhao (Managing Director Bystronic glass Co., Ltd. (Shanghai) 
(© Bystronic glass)
f.l.t.r.: Dr. Burghard Schneider (CEO Bystronic glass), Frank Runte (Managing Director Bystronic glass Machinery Co., Ltd. (Shanghai), Jeffrey Zhao (Managing Director Bystronic glass Co., Ltd. (Shanghai) 
(© Bystronic glass)


B’CHAMP (Automotive glass pre-processing)

Bystronic glass has been extremely successful on the market for many years with the champ’speed machine generation for the quick and precise pre-processing of automotive glass.

Almost half of all passenger cars are equipped with an automotive lite that was produced on a Bystronic glass unit. At China Glass 2017, Bystronic glass presented numerous new and further developments of the new B’CHAMP machine generation in the Automotive Innovation Center.   

Show performance of an artist during the Evening of Bystronic glass 
(© Bystronic glass)
Show performance of an artist during the Evening of Bystronic glass 
(© Bystronic glass)


Evening of Bystronic glass

At the evening of the first day of China Glass 2017 Bystronic glass celebrated a customers dinner with more than 200 valued Chinese and South East Asian customers.

“We do have a history in Europe – but we do have a future in China. We invest in our Chinese facilities and in its people”, explained Dr. Burghard Schneider, CEO of Bystronic glass during his opening speech.

Recently Bystronic glass moved its Sales and Service subsidiary to the Jiading production location. “This allows our dear customers to see how to proudly produce in China.

And to get in touch with the machinery, to get a feeling about our craftsmanship and to demonstrate the close relationship from China to Switzerland and Germany,” said Dr. Burghard Schneider. 

Unerring Chinese artist during the Evening of Bystronic glass (© Bystronic glass)
Unerring Chinese artist during the Evening of Bystronic glass (© Bystronic glass)

“Our Sales and Service team will further strengthen Bystronic glass’ position in China”, added Jeffrey Zhao. “Bystronic glass will stick to its strategy and we appreciate to cooperate with our dear customers.”

Mr. Zhang Baiheng, Chairman of the China National Glass Association and Mr. Jin Huaxiong, one of Bystronic glass’ customer also gave their touchingly words and thanked Bystronic glass for their more than 10 years support in the Chinese market.

It was a wonderful night that the customers celebrated together with Bystronic glass team while enjoying a delicious dinner and excellent show highlights of Chinese artists.

600450 Successful China Glass 2017 for Bystronic glass

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