Date: 23 March 2021
30 years of experience are many, especially in a sector such as that of glass processing, which has undergone important evolutions in recent years, with the creation of Low-E, extremely stratified glass, with special processes that have made it a great resource for the best architects from around the world.
30 years of experience are those of Steklarstvo Frlan, the company based in Slovenia we are talking about today with Matej Frlan. “Our goal is to adapt extremely quickly to the new needs and demands of the glass market. To do this we follow two paths: Continuous training and investments in new machines and procedures. This includes the choice to equip ourselves with a new tempering furnace. We chose Mappi, and we chose the ATS 4.0."
Why did you choose to buy this Mappi fornace? Based on what characteristics?
“For us was the most important the quality of tempering and the electricity consumption. About the quality we were convinced when we visited two companies with Mappi furnaces. For electricity consumption we made a comparison with other furnace manufacturers and saw the difference.”
In fact, energy consumption is certainly a strong point of every Mappi furnace, due to a great optimization of every aspect of tempering process, to a series of software solutions, to a great attention for control of temperature and isolation. What do you expect from the arrival of this new Mappi furnace in your company?
“We expect to have more work and more new clients because now we can do safety glass in one day. And also because of the quality and lower price, we could do some bigger projects.”
In these years, in your opinion, has the customer's demand for quality increased? “Yes, every year, customers are more and more demanding and looking for quality. Materials and finished products are increasingly demanding and expensive, so customers also expect a quality product, which can only be achieved with good machines.”
Having better machines has changed your approach to work? “Surely. We are proud of each one of our works, as we take the time and with our knowledge and experience make the best product we can. We made some special glazing for private clients, and also special stair and balcony railings, partitions in bathrooms, etc. Everyone of them is our preferred, but the next one is the one we prefer more of all. Now, thanks to this new furnace, thanks to Mappi’s support, we are sure that the future of Steklarstvo-Frlan will be even better”.

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