Speakers to Focus on Sustainability, Trends, Testing at FGIA Fall Conference

Speakers to Focus on Sustainability, Trends, Testing at FGIA Fall Conference
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Date: 26 August 2024

Join FGIA September 16-19 for either the in-person conference in Minneapolis, MN or online via the virtual experience.

Presentations during the Fenestration and Glazing Industry Alliance (FGIA) 2024 Fall Conference will center around a range of topics including efficient field testing, architectural color trends, the purpose of Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs), corrosion resistance and more. Join FGIA September 16-19 for either the in-person conference in Minneapolis, MN or online via the virtual experience.

“This conference answers the request from our members to deliver a wealth of impactful technical content. said Florica Vlad, FGIA Events Manager. “We will cover deep insights into cutting edge construction testing, advanced technology, environmental products, safety and much more. Register now to hear the latest.”

Construction Mockups and Testing

Christopher GreyThis session led by Christopher Grey, Principal at Simpson Gumpertz & Heger, will address how to use mockups and field testing efficiently. Participants will learn best practices for specification and implantation of mockups, understand the laboratory test methods used frequently on exterior wall mockups, discover strategies for efficient use of field testing techniques and on-building mockups, and gain insights learned from past projects. Grey will also cover several types of mockups and will explore strategies for implementing in-field performance testing of building enclosure system mockups.

Architectural Color Trends

Kiki RedheadKiki Redhead, the driver of all Color, Material, Finish (CMF) and trend initiatives for Sherwin-Williams Industrial and Performance Coatings, will present a colorful exploration of trends emerging and evolving in the building products market over the next three to five years. Backed by both qualitative and quantitative research following a six-step approach to future casting, Redhead will connect the dots between global mega trends and macro trends in the building industry then distill them down into the micro elements of color, material and finish. With foresight into product development, manufacturing and life cycle, this presentation will leave participants with a new vision when considering the color offerings of products.

EPDs | Where Do We Go from Here?

Richard BraunsteinRichard Braunstein, Corporate Consultant for Oldcastle BuildingEnvelope, will teach participants the purpose of Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) and their importance in sustainability and environmental management. Braunstein will help participants understand the key components of an EPD, such as product information, life cycle assessment (LCA) results, environmental impact categories and the related standards and certifications, benefits, challenges and limitations. This session will provide a comprehensive understanding of what EPDs are, how they are created and used, their significance in promoting environmental sustainability and what to expect moving forward.

How to Use Vinyl Industry LCAs?

This session will guide manufacturers on how they should leverage their Life Cycle Assessments (LCAs) to drive innovation and meet market demands. Two panelists from Sustainability Solutions Corporation (SSC), Nicole Meyer and Marquis Miller, will provide an overview of the interconnectedness between LCA and greenhouse gas inventory reporting (Scope 1, Scope 2, and Scope 3 emissions). SSC will educate manufacturers on how to communicate and market the results of their LCA externally and use the data as a tool for their broader environmental stewardship program. The session will provide an overview of sustainable product design principles and methods.

Nicole Meyer and Marquis Miller

Introduction to Corrosion

Dr. Victoria GellingDr. Victoria Gelling, Senior Research Fellow at Sherwin-Williams, will lead an introduction to corrosion, focusing on its common forms as well as the mechanism of corrosion. An additional focus will be on the various corrosion standards and test methods that are used within the industry along with a discussion on the correlation between those methods within the field. Finally, an overview will be shared of the various challenges that exist in the area of corrosion research. Participants will be given a brief introduction to new methods, such as Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS), which are seeing increased use within the industry.

Safety Panel | Uses and Trends of Safety-Focused Fenestration and Glazing Products

Sponsored by the FGIA Fenestration Safety Committee, this panel discussion will cover key attributes of safety-focused commercial fenestration and glazing products. Panelists will discuss the related standards, applications and trends of the following products:

  • Ballistics with Matt Manning, Oldcastle BuildingEnvelope
  • Blast resistance with Lothar Erkens, Winco Window
  • School security with Vaughn Schauss, Kuraray


Updates from the PEPA

Alex FernandezAlex Fernandez, Senior Director of Advocacy for Polymeric Exterior Products Association (PEPA) – formerly the Vinyl Siding Institute, will share updates from his organization, a trade association focused on furthering the development and growth of the vinyl and polymeric siding industry.

Conference Registration

Register now to participate in the in-person event or the virtual experience.

For more information about FGIA events, visit FGIAonline.org/events.

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