Sisecam Glass Symposium, Istanbul

Date: 8 June 2016

2017 ICG Annual Meeting will be held in conjunction with 32nd Şişecam Glass Symposium in Istanbul, Turkey on October 22-25, 2017.  

Sisecam and ICG proudly invite you to Istanbul, the city which connects two continents, to share, discuss and connect knowledge about the latest developments on glass science and manufacturing technology.

Contributions are welcome on the topics given below, in technical program and students are especially encouraged to attend.


  • Glass formation, transition, relaxation and modelling
  • Glass properties
  • Grystallization and glass ceramics
  • Chemical durability and leaching
  • Nuclear waste vitrification
  • Surface properties and coatings
  • Bioactive and sol-gel glasses
  • Glass melting, forming
  • Energy and environment
  • Raw materials
  • Refractories

Abstract Submission

The abstracts should be written in English, which is the official language of the event. Authors should specify whether they prefer an oral or poster presentation. All presenters must be registered to attend the 2017 ICG Annual Meeting. All abstracts will be published in the Book of Abstracts.

The papers and presentations received before March 31st, 2017 will be uploaded on the web site upon the authorization of the author, after the conference.

  • The authors should submit an abstract of maximum 300 words on or before March 31, 2017.
  • For studies, use a structured approach with bolded subheadings (including the purpose, material, methods, results)
  • All abstracts must be submitted via the online system. Please note that abstracts sent by mail, fax or e-mail will not be accepted.
  • For details, please see the section “Abstract Submission Guidelines.”

Abstract Submission Deadlines

Abstract Submission Deadline March 31st, 2017

Abstract Evaluation Deadline May 1st, 2017

Acceptance Notification of Abstract May 26th, 2017

Please carefully read the instructions before submitting your abstract through the online submission system. This is an automated system that will allow you to enter the information online for the authors, affiliations, abstract text (if required with special characters etc.), and keywords in a series of different windows.

Once you sign up, you can also continue working on abstract until you finally decide to submit before the deadline.

You can follow the whole submission and evaluation procedure either within the system or by e-mail notification. If you are submitting more than one abstract you can use the same login and password for each abstract via the online submission system.


Notification of Abstract Acceptance:

Abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee, and its decision will be announced to authors by May 26th, 2017. Notification of acceptance will be sent to the Presenter’s e-mail address. The Scientific Committee’s decisions will be based upon evaluation of the abstract’s scientific standard.

Please click the icon below to submit your abstract:

abstract sub. logo eng

For more information visit

600450 Sisecam Glass Symposium, Istanbul

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