Date: 23 September 2022
This regional virtual meeting will cover several key topics of interest, featuring speakers from key western states to discuss critical legislative and code topics. Register now for access to the FGIA Virtual Western Region Summit.
“The topics and speakers chosen for the FGIA Virtual Western Region Summit on November 1 were deliberate, as they are the matters in which those in our region is currently most interested,” said Mark Mikkelson (Andersen Corporation), FGIA Western Region President. “In just one day, you’ll get the latest information and insight.”
Topics will include Idaho building codes provisions, California energy legislation proposal issues, an ENERGY STAR® version 7 Update, the impact of the building material price increases, the energy efficiency complexity in codes and California Title 24. In addition, participants will learn the most recent information on the Wildland Interface Task Group’s efforts and hear updates on energy conservation in the region.
Registration Fees
Individuals can register for this virtual event for a fee of $99. To upgrade to unlimited employee access, the cost is $149. A primary individual registration is required before an upgrade can be purchased. Once an upgrade is purchased, FGIA staff will contact the main registrant to obtain the additional participant names and get them registered.
To learn more about sponsorship, contact Florica Vlad. For more information about FGIA and its activities, visit FGIAonline.org.

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