Date: 13 July 2020
NGA announces it has just published the Security Glazing Glass Technical Paper (GTP), providing information on glazing options for security and forced entry situations. This includes windows and doors installed in schools, as well as commercial, medical, public and worship buildings.
“This GTP was written in response to the heightened implications associated with a variety of security threats impacting all types of buildings for which occupant safety is a concern,” says Urmilla Sowell, NGA advocacy and technical director. “It outlines the multifunctional glazing options available on the market and how glass as a material can resist significant levels of attack.”
The GTP includes discussion of design considerations and frame selection for burglary, forced entry and bullet resistance applications. A security selection quick reference guide outlines key decision criterion including threat, application, laminate, standards and test methods into an easy-to-read chart.
“Over the last few years, there has been a significant increase in questions pertaining to the use of security glazing from architects and glaziers,” explains Vaughn Schauss, Kuraray America, Inc. and NGA Security Glazing task group chair. “Whether the application is for schools, religious or government buildings, or even storefronts in major cities, the two questions most asked are about what security level is needed and which tests and standards should be specified. This GTP was initiated to provide the glazing industry with answers to these."
The complimentary GTP is available, among a host of additional resources, in the NGA Store.

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