Date: 27 March 2025
As a member of both the Energy & Industry and Environment committees of the European Parliament, MEP Tobback will be directly involved with forthcoming legislations which have a direct impact on the glass and glazing industry. The visit was therefore a great opportunity to exchange on current industrial challenges both in terms of competitiveness and decarbonisation.
Discussions focused in particular on the benefits of increasing the proportion of cullet (waste and broken glass) from both construction and automotive that is recycled. At a time when energy prices are very high and decarbonisation efforts need to be intensified, the flat glass industry needs to rely on all possible solutions. The more cullet that can be reintroduced into production, the more raw materials and energy can be saved, resulting in significantly lower CO₂ emissions. Glass for Europe is therefore actively working to increase the amount of cullet available and expects strong incentives and binding measures from the Circular Economy Act.
Glass for Europe thanks AGC Mol for organising the visit and our National Partner InDUfed for joining.

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