Date: 16 March 2020
The Fenestration and Glazing Industry Alliance (FGIA) will host a webinar covering the use of AAMA 502 and 503 as part of an overall quality program to ensure that fenestration products are correctly integrated into the building envelope. At 11:30 a.m. Eastern on Tuesday, March 31, participate in “Field Testing of Newly Installed Fenestration: Using AAMA 502 and 503 to Verify Installed Performance.” This session will be led by Jason Seals, FGIA’s Certification Services Manager, Fenestration. It is complimentary and open to the public.
“We get a lot of inquiries about field testing and this webinar will address the most commonly asked questions,” said Seals. “Both of these necessary specifications are crucial to establishing the requirements for field test specimens, apparatus, sampling, test procedures and test reports used to evaluate and verify performance of newly-installed fenestration products.”
Register for the webinar now.
About the Speaker
Seals came to the association in 2014 with over 15 years of experience in the fenestration industry. In his role, he directs all certification-related activities of the association with direct management responsibilities for the AAMA air, water and structural Gold Label Certification Program, the AAMA Thermal Certification Program, Verified Components Program, Certified Profiles Program, and the Laboratory Accreditation Program.
He also manages all aspects of the ANSI accreditation requirements in addition to certification-related audits, and acts as advisory staff liaison to assigned member groups within the association.
For more information about FGIA and its activities, visit fgiaonline.org.

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