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GPD - Glass Performance Days
Date: 9 December 2022
GPD would like to end 'the 2022 Theme Park by GPD activities' by recognizing and sharing the content highlighted below, which was submitted for GPD 2021.
The focus is on R&D, Quality Management, Tempering/Pre-processing and Structural Glass.
The topics and speakers are;
- ‘Determination, verification, and durability of PVB interlayer modulus properties’, Wim Stevels, Eastman
- ‘Quality control for vacuum insulating glass using explainable artificial intelligence’, Henrik Riedel, TU Darmstadt
- ‘Rethinking of sputtering process – partial coating technology’, Jukka Vuoristo, Volframi Oy
- ‘Consideration of the nonlinear viscoelasticity of PVB through a Time-Strain-Superposition’, Miriam Schuster, TU Darmstadt
- ‘The relation between measurement and visibility of anisotropy effects in tempered glass. A case study’, Steffen Dix, University of Applied Science, Munich
GPD will share the material on Monday (12.12.2022) via their website.

GPD - Glass Performance Days
GPD Theme Park - End Year Edition
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